Wednesday 19 June 2013

A means to an end.


So yeah, I'm starting to wish I never said that something should happen today cause I bit off way more than I could possibly chew.

It been a good few months since I started chilling at Acacia Ridge's St. Vincent De Pauls and during that time I got rather friendly with the staff there. There's this one bloke, he's like 489203564 ft tall and he just found out that he either has a tumor on the left side of his brain or diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, I've never seen a man shake his right hand so fast. Today a grown man cried on the shoulder I offered, I didn't think he would since he didn't seem like the type that would but I suppose knowing that you can potentially drop dead at any time can be so daunting that it can change everything about you. If death can do that to a grown man then there's no telling what it'll do to me. People react different to different things but things of this particular nature can't possibly sit well with anyone.

Is it me ? or are too many people dying around me ? and by "too many" I mean more than zero, Not to sound like a depressing, enigmatic, pitiful person but isn't 19 a bit too early to starting thinking about this shit?
It's gonna be rough when people start kicking the bucket, especially since I've become so attached to the people at St. Vincent's.

On the brighter side, today I had my first Tea Party, it was pretty dope even though it was just two people talking whilst drinking tea, come to think of it, she didn't even have any tea, she drank coffee, the nerve of that girl man. It was good to catch up with her after not hearing her name for like half a year. She seems to be easily misunderstood, not like it's any of my business, it just seems that way to me. She's so considerate :L leaving so I could add There probably ain't many gals like that around these days.

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