Tuesday 11 June 2013

Gift that keeps giving.

"We're up all night for good fun,"

Can't go wrong with a little Daft Punk in the morning again !

Before I die, I want to milk a cow and pretend they are my personal weapons and I would shoot my milk all over the people in the general area, that'd be cool. Everything implied in that previous sentence is intentional.
Tuesdays are the best, I look forward to Tuesdays more so than I do Saturdays, It's the best day to completely fuck over your diet and crush any hope you had of becoming "healthy" hahahah health are for chumps and losers. Oh, and people who have their shit together.

The lack of content in my posts is usually due to the lack of human interaction I have on a daily basis, I would like to type more but for the life of me, I don't know what to but now that I think about it, even if I were to go outside and god forbid: talk to people I still might not type much because my thoughts and interactions don't hold much (if any) significance to others. Why did I even start a blog in the first place if that's what I think ? fuck it, I'll deal with the shit when it comes, too hungry to sort it out now.

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