Wednesday 5 June 2013

Soopa fun time, yeeh.

"Is mayonnaise an instrument ?"

Wednesdays are pretty cool, scored the framed poster above and spongebob plushie for 2 bucks, people be jelly as all fuck. I'm just glad I found a suitable place to hang it :L didn't really give it much thought until I got home but I was fortunate enough to find a random ass hook-like thing on my wall. Everything went better than expected (Y)

Heard they now sell Japanese curry at Inala so I'm gonna be heading over there sometime this week to get a gander and hopefully a mouth-full of that stuff. We had to go out of our way to get food like that in the past, strange how these things just tap you on the shoulder one day and announce they they're here to stay and for a while you're like "yeah, alright." and it doesn't register that something awesome just arrived at your doorstep and it literally takes no effort where as before it took a world of patience, well, that was the case for me, I can't speak for others, nor do I want to.

Edit 1: looking back at this post, I think I should be a fucking photographer or some shit.

MRW taking a picture.

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