Tuesday 25 June 2013

Weird is wonderful.

I don't know what to type anymore, man. I want the content to not bore you and although this blog is really for me, I've just realized that there are quite a few readers out there and to them I can only ask "How the fuck did you even get here?" but now that you're here, I suppose there's really no point in me asking since the answer ain't gonna change shit. I don't know why I've started to take your interests into consideration, there's something about being "online" that makes it different, it's almost as if being on your computer is activating your second face.

I remember being in high school I would talk to quite a bit of people online, for great lengths, too but the moment I see them in person (mostly at school) it's almost as if those conversations never happened and I admit, I'm to blame, too, but it still strikes me as a little odd. We have nothing to hold us back anymore, I guess that's why our relationships with other people have narrowed, not being involved with something you don't have to be is natural but at the same time, it's a little sad. I miss high school.

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