Saturday 29 June 2013

One of those days.

well, that would explain a lot.

Don't know if I can trust this information, it's not like people lie on the internet, who would do such a thing? 

I woke up to total silence, my little brother no where to be found. I almost had forgotten how serene this place can be when no one is being within it but after being accustomed to my brother screaming and yelling at his games and friends and sometimes, his friend's games, I have mixed feelings on whether I should be glad to have my initial space back or lament that fact that a drastic change just occurred which impedes my desire for homeostasis, which is ironic seeing as though Andy living here in the first place had smashed the peace that I've known up til now. While I was thinking about all of this, he came home, chubby as ever and I guess my train of though ended there :L

I spent most of my day laying on my bed and staring at the space that is my ceiling and after about 2-3 hours of doing this I've come to the conclusion that my ceiling needs some cleaning. Once I start cleaning one thing it's almost impossible to stop so I ended up cleaning the house, playing the piano, making food for the endless pit that is Andy Le, wayyyy more productive than I had wished but I can't say it was a bad day, well I can, but it'd be a lie. 

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