Wednesday 26 June 2013

Ice cream.

The only time you should look into your neighbor's bowl is to make sure they have enough.
You don't look into your neighbor's bowl to see if you have ... as much as them."
- Louis C.K
ahhh classic. Opening up with a quote like that is nothing short of a classic :L

I woke up to the awesome feeling of knowing that my feet aren't sore. The guys have been trying to get into the habit of playing basketball/futsal at Springfield Lakes and our attempts are showing promise. Boys are so much different from girls when it comes to socialization, I'm not sure how to explain it myself but it's like boys skip parts girls would spend countless hours on. I could go on but it'll give me a headache and might spring up some sort of argument with someone else so I'll stop here and go by maccas and get mahself an ice cream cone. God bless your soul, Tom Hanks.

Edit 1: Note to self: never try to drive while eating 3 cones, poor Betty :(

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