Monday 3 June 2013

Classic Tim.

I was told I work like a black fella by Jan Nick today. Probably the best compliment I've received yet. It's strange how you can fully trust someone's word when you barely know them and you brush off the words given to you by the closest people you know. I guess it's because you believe they're too considerate and you can't really take their words to heart but you can to complete strangers. It might just be me now that I think about it, It does sound pretty strange when I put it that way :L

The winter nights have forced me to put clothes on the past few weeks, I don't like it. Not to sound like a pervert or anything (truth be told, I'm a massive perv, pretty open about it too, mind you) but I think nothing is more comfortable being in your own skin. It's always been a thought in the back of my head that clothes weren't necessary but due to social standards, to point something like that out on a whim apparently causes extreme discomfort to a majority of people and dealing with all the flak that comes afterwards isn't really something I want to do in exchange for the chance to express my views :L

It's either me or society that is fucked.

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