Monday 10 June 2013

All night.

Can't go wrong with a little Daft Punk in the morning !

So this is what it feels like to have a normal sleeping pattern.... I don't like it. My previous sleeping pattern was so bad that it looped and now it's back to normal, I'm not even sure that made any sense. Having all this free time to myself is starting to make me feel guilty, guess I'll look for another job soon, all this talk about exams from the other peeps is making me feel restless. Wonder what it would've been like if I had continued studying.

I'm getting used to my car's ridiculously low suspensions which is a major relief seeing as I used to scrape the living fuck out of it every time I drive in or out of my driveway. Why would you pay like, $700 to lower your car to a point where it becomes a nuisance ? apparently the answer is "because it looks cool." which, in hindsight, is a perfectly good reason :L 

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