Wednesday 12 June 2013


"I'm just saying leave the judgement to the one who goes through the greatest pain,
and we'll just accept the result."

Old people are cool, well, I guess what I should be saying is older people are cool. I had a preconceived notion that older people were ignorant to your circumstances, they're not ignorant in general but neglect your problems as if to say "stop fucking bitching and do shit" or have that kind of vibe around simply because you're young or immature, I'm both and yet every one that I've had the pleasure to meet has treated me the way I treat them and to understand this equality is pretty dope :L I'm glad Australia is a lot more lenient on the whole hierarchy relationship thing, I've been called many bad things by parents due to the way I behave or address them and though it isn't intentional, it really hits home sometimes, not that I can blame them, our generations are almost a world apart. 

Bought a pair of Jester shoes with the bells attached to the ends, now even my walk is annoying :L why did I buy them ? when I find out, I'll be sure to type it up :L 

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