Sunday 30 June 2013


"You know, if you focus on chicks all the time, you won't be able to focus on the more important things in life, like sword-fighting... and rough-housing." 
- Augustian Vu, wow.

Today was the first time I actually got to spend some time with Augustian and that kid says some pretty deep shit, pretty naturally, too. For those who don't know, Augustian is Hoc's youngest brother, he's like, 13 years old but is much more mature than he looks, the only thing he bought today was the entire William Shakespeare works collection for god's sake. 

It's not like I was focusing on girls in the first place but that was what he said when I stopped a young lady to tell her she was pretty because she looked a little down (but goddamn, she was fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) and when he dropped that line, the moment felt pretty surreal.

Hoc invited me to DFO with Augustian and Hieu. The amount of money people spend when they go shopping is ridiculous to me. They spend well over 150 bucks on clothes without hesitation while I was contemplating whether or not I should get an Irish cream latte from Gloria Jeans but I did and it was as good as ever, didn't realize I was this stingy :L I'm glad I went today, didn't think trying on clothes and window shopping could be fun but I guess you gotta try things before you make just preconceived thoughts, I'm glad Blake was there to hold open that door for me to walk through.

The big breaky wrap they have a Hungry Jacks is pretty good. 

Escape - 3LAU, Paris & Simo & Bright Lights

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