Monday 1 July 2013

Blue and white porcelain.

"You dope. If adults are in a bad mood, kids think they're the ones they're mad at."
- Daikichi Kawachi, the main character of an anime called "Bunny Drop"

Hahaha, Wombats are cool.
Even though I don't have my P's, it feels like I do, I drive around almost on a daily basis and almost none of it is for my own enjoyment, my mum has bigger balls than I do if she has faith that I won't get caught, this is a bad habit. It sure is convenient for her since I can drive Andy around and feed his mega-ball of a stomach but man, if I do get caught, I am so fucked :L Wonder if I'll be able to wow my next instructor and convince him/her to do an early booking, that'd get my shit together real fast.

Really wish I had more to type about, I can already see myself in in future facepalming at the sheer lack of content this blog has. 

Blue and White Porcelain - Jay Chou

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