Wednesday 31 July 2013

Cole summer.

"Oh yeah, yeah, fuck me, yeah" 
- Jack Nguyen whilst being pounded by multiple gay men
that attends his bi-daily orgy sessions on a cold winter's night which is like,
basically every night for the last few months, might've been going on for longer,
we'll never know. 

This blog has officially lost every bit of seriousness it had IF there were any at all to begin with and I'm okay with that.

I like that .gif :L only because I don't know if I should be amazed that there's a person who dresses up like a Jedi and does that or that somewhere out there, there's a 24 hour KFC branch that I'm not aware of. It's like opening a packet of chips that's filled to the brim with chips, yes, a wonderful analogy. Hahaha, "analogy" has the word "anal" in it.

Andy is 12. Holy shit, it's scary to know that he'll be a high school student is less than a year, reminds me of that time I get totally bashed the first week of high school, I really hope nothing like that is going to happen to him, Andy would probably eat him and that will be a difficult situation to explain. Cops would be like "what happened here ?" and I'd be all like "he just ate him, you know, like, with a fork and stuff". He broke another headset this morning so I asked him if he wanted another one for his birthday but before he could answer, I thought about how much I don't want to think about what to get him if he said no so I told him to shut up and ordered it anyway. Hope you enjoy ya chubby bastard. 

Tuesday 30 July 2013

24 Karats of gold.

"I like ice cream." - That chick in the picture above.
Spent my day thinking about what to get Andy for his birthday tomorrow, even though I know that guy would be happy with nothing let alone anything but there's something about family that makes you go that extra mile. I don't want to cheap out and give the dude money of food (although that would make a pretty rad gift) but I can't think of anything. I really should've planned ahead :L guess I'll get him something online, hope he doesn't mind if his gift is gonna be a little late but hey, even if he does, I'll just kick him out of the house. Ahhh the perks of being in a brother-brother relationship, I feel bad for the people who don't get that pleasure.

Not too long ago, I didn't think anything of birthdays, it wasn't til recently that I started taking people into consideration about what they would like as opposed to what they would want but I supposed it depended on the person. Honesty was always the best policy. 

Monday 29 July 2013


"Whenever you walk into the room,
it's like getting that long straight piece in Tetris.
Everyone's just like
"Aww yeah! things are about to get good now!""

Again today, I was mistaken for an asian that strips and shuffles at the gym with little to no shame and at first I was like "bro, are you sure it was me ?" and then the group of big, buff fobs that claimed that it was me said "yeah brew, the gym's got video footage." and that completely blew my mind because even though I can strip, I can't shuffle, so now, I'm officially the shuffle-stripper of Richland's Anytime Fitness, they should give out an award or something for that. I can finally tick that off my non existing list of shit to be before I die. Because of that whole ordeal, I made some good friends, it's sad to admit that I only remember the name of one of the scary fobs though. And yeah, that was the only interesting part of my day.

Fuck you, Tai, for getting this song stuck in my head all fucking day but at the same time, thank you, you suave fucker, you. 

Sunday 28 July 2013


"but I wipe my own ass!" 
- That really cute kid from that one Adam Sandler movie

Nope, I got fuck all today.

Saturday 27 July 2013

Summer lights

"A society grows great
when old men plant trees
whose shade they know they
shall never sit in."

Dante treated Andy and I to breakfast this morning, which felt like a dream. It's rare to see Dante and not get insulted let alone having him shout us breakfast, wonder what sprung that up.. nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoyed what was given to me and absolutely demolished that chicken curry. Ronnie met Dante for the first time even through they've been close so many times, was a good time, goddamn, he has a busy ass shop.

Can't think of anything in particular about the meta part of my day. I was thinking about CatDog and what happens when either one of them poop but other than that, it's been a pretty smooth sailing day.

Huh, Huy started talking to me after like, 4 years. Said he wanted to play Tennis with me and Lam and pretty much forced me to chill with him one day, apparently he held some sort of grudge against me in high school but I can't, for the life of me, even remember when I spoke to him let alone did something to offend him. If I didn't know any better, I think it's because he heard I bought a car and is trying his hardest to suck my ass for reflected glory which is understandable when I think about how much of an asshole people can be. I quote "the past is past bro :L". Kinda odd to make up now of all times. Don't want to jump to conclusions, guess I'll just wait it out til I'm sure, then I can call him on his bullshit :L besides, I've always wanted to get a little better at Tennis, didn't get much practical lessons in Senior Education when we were focusing on Tennis. 

Friday 26 July 2013

Bird's poem.

"Kindness is a language the deaf can hear
and the blind can see." - Mark Twain

I woke up at 8am, what a crazy start already. I was told to do my tax-thingy (I still have no idea how any of that shit works) at 12 so I had a good 4 hours to kill. I spent a good chunk of my morning walking around the house and eventually I sat on the piano bench, I can't even remember the last time I played the piano, I've forgotten a majority of my songs and my motor skills aren't anywhere near as good as they were before. It's hard to keep a minor passion lit, I forget songs faster than I learn them and I'm trying to play again but there's nothing driving me anymore. I think my arrogance in high school was what kept me jammin'. There's no more Ronnie, John, Neilson and Liam anymore and it's sad to know that the only thing that made me enjoy the piano was the natural competitive atmosphere in the music room. At first, I felt there was a certain miracle in knowing that you can play your favorite song on the piano, no matter what that song was, whether it was by ear or by an official arrangement and at the time, I thought that was one of the greatest things ever, I still do but it's getting harder and harder to maintain that view when there're so many songs I want to learn.

Spent the rest of the day working at the ol' Skylard friendly grocer then I saw a Volkswagen UP at Thanh Tan which reminded me of Hong then I ate some Pho, got home, slept at like, 8pm woke up at like, 2am typing this shit up. That's enough out of me :L I'll take my leave now. Sleep deliciously, you bored, bored bastard.

Edit 1:  lol, Andy sleep-farts, it's pre' bad. 

Thursday 25 July 2013

Cage of the maidens.

"That's the problem with drinking, as I poured myself a drink.
If something bad happens, you drink in an attempt to forget;
If something good happens, you drink in order to celebrate;
and if nothing happens, you drink to make something happen."

Today, I figured out I love life, I just hate what it revolves around. The sheer notion that you're supposed to find your significant other, start a family and have your children carry your legacy and those before it makes life really seem like a game. Of course, it all depends on where you are and who you're around but to have your "objective" defined by where you end up seems a little unfair. I suppose it's this sort of thought that separates us from the previous generation, like we're denying their efforts of them making things the way they currently are and in that sense, it might be a waste to not progress in this game we call "life". It's almost as if it's become a definition of it's own, "MOOST MURRYY, MY TALLY WHACKER IS POINTING AT YOUR SECOND PAIR OF LIPS, THE RACE MUST CONTINUE, THE RACE MUST CONTINUE!" is what you'd find if you looked it up in the dictionary, probably not, but it might as well be.

All this comes to mind when I sit down and stare at this page in a separate window (I don't know why I do that, just looks more legit I guess) but the moment I click "Publish" it all goes back in the box. I'll forget everything I've ever thought the moment I wake up and before you know, I'll be having a wank on EVERY possible spot you can imagine that is "Casa Del Kevin"

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Born for this.

"The problem is not the problem,
the problem is your attitude about the problem.
Do you understand ?" - Captain Jack Sparrow

Hair didn't get dyed, got sad, ate like, 9 donuts, felt better, anotherforthefapjar.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Growing young.


I don't even know how it came to this, Dante got out of the shower and what arose from the steam-filled bathroom was a hairstyle I had not seen nor heard of since grade 8 and 9. This was a massive throwback and while all I could think of were mine and Dante's year 8 days and the Backstreet Boys, he grew an image where he saw that having a split fringe would actually mean you're cool, needless to say, he is a fucking fruit loop but something that crazy just might work :L I'm always one for fucked up ideas and this is by far, the most insane thing I could barely comprehend this year. Apparently, we're gonna dye our hair tomorrow.


You can't even see my split fringe well in that picture but if that doesn't make you happy, let's see if you can spot the 4 spongebob related items in the photo (completely unintentional.) there's actually 5 but it's hard to tell seeing as though I took this photo with my laptop-mounted potato. Sleep deliciously, fellas.

Monday 22 July 2013

Something about us.

I found this online and I can't even begin to tell you how accurate this fucking thing is.
what were the chances, eh ? 

I was sitting here, chillin' and I was all like "what do I type up today...?" and after "putting it on hold" for like 4 hours I came to the conclusion that I needed McDonald's, fast. On the drive there I took the scenic route. The view at 3am is quite calming, what with the slight rain and absence of cars, Inala actually felt kinda serene but I'm sure it's only at this hour :L  I ordered two double quarter pounders and drove up to the register when low and behold, the check-out dude was none other than Tim Redzik. We talked about cars and he casually humble-bragged about his new hatchback and I'm ashamed to say, I'm quite jealous :L

Strange how inspiration hits you at the most unexpected places, I could have not of gone to McDonald's and remain completely dumbfounded as far as my blog post goes or I could have gone to McDonald's and met Tim thus filling my mind of shit to write. Who would've thought that all it took was a pound of processed, greasy meat and $13 ? I'm feeling pretty good about my bad choices :L

Sunday 21 July 2013


hahahah, story of my life, man.

I got a small taste of reality today, my heart was torn to pieces as I realized that this was one of those moments I wasn't able to cope alone if this were to keep up. I barely managed to overcome this obstacle by myself but I doubt it could happen a second time. I can't believe that pretty much everyone has to go through this, it's almost unfair. After it happened, I almost had to question my reality but it was plainly apparent to me that this wasn't a dream or anything of the sort. Goddamn petrol prices these days.... 

Saturday 20 July 2013

Pursuit of happiness.

"If you were a dog
you'd be the pack leader.
Or, like, the laziest dog in the world.
Sometimes, I just can't tell with you."

Today, I got mistaken for someone who was stripping in the gym, and although I have taken my clothes off in public just for the reaction (mostly, just before class), I don't recall doing so in a gym, so I did what anyone would do; I laughed and nodded politely until they went away. Do we all really look alike ? cause I think if I saw someone stripping in the gym, I would remember that person's face but chances are, I would remember a little more than just their face (ifyaknowwhatimean) He even said I was shuffling. It makes me sad to know that there's an asian somewhere in my neighborhood that strip-shuffles in front of people with such radiant pride, mostly because that asian isn't me. I sure hope it's Kiet, Hoc, Tony or Thanh though, that would be funny, I can picture Thanh doing that :L 

If you're bored as shit and want a movie to watch, might I suggest this ? I sure wish I knew that it was on youtube before I spent the last 2 days downloading it though. I don't know. I liked it. Makes me think about what kind of parent I would turn out to be. 

And hey, if you like the movie, the anime is just as good, if not, better. Sleep deliciously.

Friday 19 July 2013

Safe and sound.

"Even if we're six feet underground,
I know that we'll be safe and sound."

I know I said that the amount of human contact I have is minimal, but this is just fucking ridiculous. I don't think I've said a word today. The only time I've opened my mouth was to brush my teeth, grunt (gotta assert my dominance to ghosts and shit), cough, eat and drink. It's weird not hearing your voice for a prolonged amount of time, I feel tempted to prompt a conversation with myself but that would make me more scattered than I already am.

As far as I know, I'm not short on company or anything like that, I have the freedom to go where ever I want and even where I'm wanted, I guess that knowing that there're people who you've spent a majority of your adolescence with are hundreds and hundreds of kilometers away makes you think about what would you do if you were alone. I can't imagine what it'd feel like to be pushed to your social limits on one end or the other, kinda makes me happy and I don't even know why and to be honest, I don't want to know why. This unconditional happiness is pretty much all I have going for me, if I were to find a flaw in this, then what I would be left with is a confused wreck. Maybe that's why there're miserable people out there, they just over-thought their happiness and just wasn't satisfied with the conclusion they came to. Ignorance really is bliss. 

Thursday 18 July 2013

Beautiful people.

"I look at you the same way we all look at giraffes
which is basically like,
"I bet you were just born awesome.""

I recently found out that there's another blog with the title "the trill life motto" or something along those lines and I was totally gonna be like "woahhhh, you have a dope naming sense, dude" but then that would require me to do stuff, it's rare to find someone else that listens to Sucka Free CJ, Dumbfoundead and the rest of the youtube clique. I ended up changing my blog name, this works too though, right ?

It's like 4am, man. Usually I would be asleep at like 10-12 but I've been procrastinating the fuck out of this thing and I'm getting far too sleepy to keep this up so I figure I'll just type random shit until I'm satisfied with the amount of content in this post.

Bro, I ran out of shit to type. What do I do now ? goddamn, maybe I should like, bring a pen with me at all times and just scribble my day in dot point on my hand as they are happening but I don't want to explain why there are notes on my hand to every single person who asks, there's got to be an easier way to go around this... I don't want to type like 4 sentences on a post either.

I wonder what it feels like to be gay. You know, to just wake up one day and be all like "hmm, sure could use a dick right now" or something like that. Now I'm just typing my thoughts as I go along, it's not all that bad, maybe I'll have a paragraph at the end of a daily post of just shit that goes through my head late at night.
Yeah, I think this is a good amount and a good time to stop. Have a good night fellas, sleep deliciously.

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Airplanes & terminals.

"If I could turn back time,
I'd go back to when Lincoln was alive
and steal one of his top hats and give it to you.
Because then you'd have one of his top hats
and people would be jealous of that."

I spent a majority of my morning chilling with Hoa, Alex and Leon at Sunnybank before their flight to Sydney, which was cool. We did what people would do at Sunnybank, eat ramen, eat chocolate ice cream waffles, play with toy swords and look at the toiletries (maybe that's just us) but I hope they have a safe flight cause it would totally suck if like, the plane exploded or something. I just feel bad for Leon for being seated right between Alex and Hoa. If you guys don't know already, having Alex and Hoa in the same room is a surefire way of getting some good laughs but Alex gets so much shit it's also kinda sad the way he just sits there and takes it, he's more of a  man than I'll ever be :L

Met with some of Dante's friends today, I wonder what it must be like for them to see me now, it's a strange thing to think about but they first met me when I was in the worst state of my life, it has to leave some sort of impact to see me now I imagine, even I'm shocked when I look at me now then refer to my primary/early high school photos. Shit is fucked. 

Come to think of it, there was some sort of clubbing event that happened today and though I feel thrilled I was invited it didn't really point at the demographic I was in, shame really, would've been fun. There's something about me that feels if the event isn't pointed at you, then why would you risk the chance of ruining it for someone else, it's like when you invite a dude to a movie he's already seen like, yesterday. People really hate that aspect of me and I don't blame them, it's just my logic, not the best logic but it's still mine. 

Tuesday 16 July 2013

One moment.

"When you smile,
it's almost as if an angel came down from heaven
and was like "this shit is perfect.".

I've caught myself acting a lot more mature than I would like to be, I suppose it's a good thing since it isn't always ideal to become your inner-child all the time but it does feel like you've lost something, wait, not something but someone. I'd take out the trash, clean the house, do the laundry, use blankets instead of a heater, do the dishes as soon as I use them and all this other shit I would never normally do, granted, I should've been doing all this shit when I was living with mumsies but I wasn't but now that I am, I kinda don't want to like it as much as I do. They say "growing old is mandatory, growing up isn't." but I don't think they've elaborated that topic as much as they need to. No wonder why I feel less fun and spontaneous, growing out of your teens is a pre' big deal but I imagine it would feel the same if I were 29 going on 30.

I need to go and do something, guess I'll hand in my logbook and get my goddamn P's. KT and Hannah told me I would be fine when I drove them home some nights ago but then again, they were so fucking drunk, they couldn't spell their own face so I think I'll take a raincheck. 

Monday 15 July 2013


"You have one of the brightest minds I've ever known
It's as if the sun looked at Da Vinci and was like "sup, playa?"
and then Da Vinci was all "you wanna do this?"
and then they created your mind."

You know, these last few weeks having been throwing some weird thoughts in my head.
I'm starting to notice how distant I've become to those who I'm supposedly "close" to, I'm not saying that it's a bad thing, if it was meant to happen, it'll happen, I'm not one for engaging on these kinda things myself but as the days fly by, it's become more and more apparent to me that I'm the black sheep in my little group, the reason I say this is because I don't have any interest in the topics that are presented. The guys usually talk about games all day and if they're not talking about games, it's because they're playing them and soon, a majority of them will be going down to Melbourne so that they can play/watch people play games at a huge event. I admit, it's not something I would participate in and that's fine, It takes different kinds to make a world. I don't go into chats anymore because I know that whatever it is they're talking about, it's going to involve LoL or DoTA or some other game they feign interest in only to scrape it a month later. This isn't a rant, more like a written realization, I'm not saying that I'm going to be leaving my little clique but I just can't be socially active enough to even brand myself as one of them. Maybe this is a good thing, I do enjoy my time with myself, maybe the time they spend playing/talking about games is equivalent to the amount of time I spend in my awesome shell and that is just fine. Convenient, even.

I'm glad I didn't turn out to be one of those people who pretend to like something they don't in order to feel accepted.

Sunday 14 July 2013

Hello hummingbird.

Woke in the morning, feeling like some milk tea, 
no water in my face, where the fuck is Andy ?
before I look, make some tea and do my morning dance
I don't plan on leaving the house because I got no pants. 

I'm talking retro movie runs, runs
no contact with the sun, sun
twerking with my bum bum.

Drop-topping, playing my favourite MP3s
Pulling up to dat KFC
Trying to get mah Zinger, please!



Ain't got a care in the world but got plenty of food
Ain't got no money in my wallet 'cause of that birthday, dude. 
and now some Mormans line up, cause they hear all dat trance.
but then I kicked to the curb unless they join my pantsless dance.

I'm talking about 'errybody getting crunk, crunk
Subwoofer in my trunk, trunk (not yet, though)
Betty's looking sunk, sunk

and now I'm busting through my bathroom door,
need to leak before it pours, pours
oh, god somebody's at my door.



I think that effectively sums my day.
Hoa is taking me out to go DFO tomorrow, that should be dope, haven't had much time with that guy :L he's a crack up. 

Saturday 13 July 2013

Geek in the pink.

"I don't know who you think you are
but if it's someone sexy
then okay."

Andy dumped water up my nose while I was sleeping this morning, I've seen it in cartoons and shit but that shit really does get you up, will remember for future reference, maybe it was just because it was cold as balls today.

I was told by Dante that a fish and chip shop opened up at Richlands, so I jumped on the idea that we should have breakfast there. Economical changes creep up on you on what seems like a weekly basis, something is always being built somewhere but no one really stands there and processes what the fuck just happened, it's almost as if everyone in the area prepared and set their expectations beforehand, which is something I've gotten out of the habit doing or so I think, I guess that's why is so foreign to me now.

I attended a super-super-duper birthday party with the intention of looking after people for once. Getting drunk and being loud is all well and good but every so often, I would see a party and just internally decided if I was to drink or not, this is happening more and more frequently as of late and at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if I don't drink at all anymore. I think I've lost my touch these past few years, I don't think I'm as "fun" as I used to be, there's something limiting me, making me feel guilt if I do go through getting totally shitfaced, so I hide behind the guise of "Oh, dude, I'm driving and shit" even though it wasn't something that would to stop me under my previous circumstances, maybe I'm starting to feel the responsibility of a provider and supporter. There are more important things than enjoying yourself, like everyone else, oh, and food.

Oh god, Hieu is talking to me about his love life, that guy needs to find the handle to his life or some shit.

It was good to see everyone again. I've learned that even if I did have a bad history with people, at least I was fortunate enough to have a history, so now, it feels like everyone is on a clean slate, I just can't be fucked anymore, It takes too much effort to even attempt to hate someone, let alone purposely avoid.
People are awesome. You're awesome. If you actually read this whole thing, I swear I owe you like, a coffee or something, my shout.

Friday 12 July 2013

Wait for you.

"You're awkward,
but in a cute way.
Like an elevator ride,
but with puppies."

My little brother's computer is in the living room, he has his own room but refuses to stay, sleep and just be in it for some odd reason, I tell you this because the following story would not have made any sense otherwise.

*Dante turns off living room lights 
Me: Oh, you would.
Dante: Oh shit, it was an accident.
Andy: There are no accidents in this house (apparently I said that at one point.)
Dante: Except you.
Me: OOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIITTTTTTTTTTTTTT *sings "Burn, baby, burn" by The Trammps
    I swear it was more funny when it happened. Promise. 

Right now I think I'm just looking for random shit post, none of which hold any significant meaning, well, not as much as I would like. I never would've thought I would run out of shit to type when I'm only a few months in, even I'm starting to lose interest in my own posts, not a good sign. I think I'll make more of an effort to be more out-going but then again, maybe I won't, It's a real hit-and-miss when it comes to me, I'll most likely forget I ever said that in around 20 minutes when I'm drinking my tea and wolfing down Tim Tams whilst watching Space Jam fully engulfed in my own blanket. Yeah, I don't think I'll be leaving my house for my own benefit anytime soon. I probably just described Heaven in it's purest form just then.

Thursday 11 July 2013

The hard way.

"Nothing makes me happier
than when I randomly quote a line from a movie or a television show
and then you know what I'm talking about
so you start doing it too,
and before I know it
we've been talking about nothing for hours.
It's the best."

Not too long ago, old mate Alex told me that my blog is really personal, something about it revealing my sense of insight and my thought process. I don't know if that's a good thing or not but either way, it sure doesn't feel that way. I don't know if it's because my standards for "privacy" isn't as high as others. To me, this blog is essentially a diary and that is something most would regard as personal, only difference is, mine doesn't have a lock, but I can't imagine having to constantly write your personal thoughts and experiences without letting anyone read it, it sounds unhealthy, almost like bottling life up and keeping it to yourself, sounds like a waste, too. I don't know, I can't speak for others but that's how I see it.

I keep a lot from my blog. You'd be amazed at the amount of times I've typed a paragraph and then just delete the whole thing, I don't know why, I guess I just deleted the things I know future me wouldn't need to know or want to be reminded of or maybe I'm just being considerate of the readers which is fucking stupid but once I knew there are some people who can be bothered to read something like this, I would like to make it something worth reading. It's a shame that I can't even remember all those paragraphs I've deleted. People are strange.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Little light.

"If your face was on a shirt,
I would buy that shirt,
wear it around town,
and tell people
"This is the face of a winner."
and everyone would be like
"Oh man I wish I had that shirt.""

Strange enough, I really have nothing to write about, nothing happened today, nothing at all, kinda scary. Wonder if like, I should do something or something.... It's a shame really, I enjoyed my day until I had to write about it, cause for the life of me, I can't think of anything I've done, other than chilling, listening to music and napping. I love those things but I can't say it's interesting cause it ain't and it sucks that I've only just realized that, hope this doesn't dim my view of what seemed like the best things to do, ever.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Her morning elegance.

"If anyone ever tells you to change,
just be like "I don't think so."
and then stop whatever you were doing and strut away
because you don't need to change,
and that would be a cool way to show it."

   Remember that time I said "I don't think I've laughed at a .gif my entire life." ?  I lied, DIS IS DA ONE.

The moment I graduated, I had prepared myself because I knew I would most likely never see the people around me that moment ever again, I figured if I kept to myself and left in a hurry that day, I wouldn't have to go through the entire "we'll catch up real soon" talk because I knew it wasn't going to happen and I wouldn't want them to feel any lingering guilt because they promised something that can't be fucked doing and in all honestly, to me, that's probably the worst thing anyone could do, ever. Looking back now, it probably wasn't the best of methods but life has a way of wavering your expectations and I've found that if you expect the worst, there's only a chance that it can get better.

I went to chill/work at my mum's store. The owners of that store are currently in Vietnam and left the care of the place to their offspring and my family. It's always good to see Elvis, Alanna and David, they don't seem too upset that their grandfather passed away and I'm glad to see it. I got home and Kiet asked if I wanted to go gym with him, I swear we're like, going out now, I better put out. I met Teresa there, she looked bored so I offered to drive her home and as I'm driving her home I realize that there's a girl whom I've known practically my entire life (from like, grade 5) in my car and I'm driving her home from the gym. It blows my mind that this is how it turned out and it happened like the way it did, when I met her, she knew almost NO English, we didn't talk until grade 11 and even then, there was almost no communication and yet there I was, driving her home. In hindsight, the experience may not seem astounding but at the time, it was difficult to find a handle on the moment. I don't know, reading this post to myself kinda makes me feel retarded but I'm okay with that.

Monday 8 July 2013

There's only me.

"If we were playing Pictionary and your name came up
I would be all like
"Whaaa? why is your name in Pictionary?"
but I'd say that to myself
because talking is not allowed in the game,
then I'd quit because it'd be impossible to draw something so perfect."

Ever since Hoc left for Vietnam, I've been seeing Kiet pretty much everyday for the week, I feel like some sort of a replacement or something :L not that I'm complaining, I just don't remember the last time I've seen and talked to someone consistently other than school, shit, we even had Pho together, just the two of us, it was wonderful, romantic as fuck.

I found a rock in my my jester shoes today, I'm gonna keep it and name it "Berny", that is all.

Sunday 7 July 2013

Pinky swear.

"Some people think we spend too much time together
but that's just because those people are stupid."

If you're wondering, the inspirations for my title posts are just the titles of the songs I'm listening at the present moment, well, not present, but the moment I'm typing so they don't really correlate to the content or anything else for that matter but if it does then I'm sure it's just coincidence... maybe. 

It's the first night in 2 weeks I'll be spending alone. My little brother has school tomorrow and he seemed a little depressed when he went home, hahaha thinking back, I think we all were. There was always that one kid who loved school and couldn't wait to go back, usually it'd be because they have family problems or they can weigh the company of friends with the general school experience, either way, there was a good chunk of us who thought they were weird but now, I think they knew, something was going on for them and they just had a glance at the bigger picture, I miss school now, especially primary school, the work, the teachers, those times when we referred to our breaks as "Little lunch" and "Big lunch", that shit was the best. I can't even begin to imagine how you'd come to this sort of conclusion at such a young age, all I thought about when I was a kid was what I was gonna eat next or what the next episode of Dragon Ball Z would be like, I swear that topic was what boys (and even girls) would talk about all morning.

Talking about primary school days is giving me a headache, not because of what I'm reminiscing about but the amount of thinking my brain can handle, I'm not used to thinking, I don't think I want to be hahaha how ironic.


Saturday 6 July 2013

La la la.

" Hanging out with you is more fun than playing with a coloring menu
and sometimes,
those menus have a maze."

The .gif above makes me hope that I end up like that. You really can't give any less fucks than that guy, makes me keen on the future even though I imagine if I do end up like that, it'll cause me to loose all my friends and I'll be disowned just from the sheer reflected shame that is amplified from my glorious tighty-whities and chest hair. 

Last night I asked my little brother to wake me up at 6 and when I woke up at like 12 I was all like "bro, the fuck ?" and he was all like "dude, I tried to wake you up but the moment you opened your eyes you screamed "YOLO" then went back to sleep." and I was all like "oh, alright." and he was all like "word."
alright, that's not exactly how it went but it might as well have. I don't recall it but trust is something you have to keep in the family. Sure doesn't sound like me though, actually, yeah, it sounds just like me :L

Kiet messaged me at 1 saying he was gonna come over to pick up Hoc's car keys to get his car serviced, Kiet drives aggressively, dude. I swear the only lesson in driving he got was from Grand Theft Auto or Crazy Taxi, I'm honestly amazed he's not dead yet. We went to David Le's to get it serviced and he even took us for a "drive" although it was just him drifting his car up and down a straight road, almost hit a tree, didn't, so that was dope. Got home, chilled with Andy, I need to take that boy on a walk or something aye, he looks too much like me when I was his age, kinda makes me sad.

This has probably been my longest post so far and I kinda like it, having lots of shit to post gives me a sense of security in knowing that my life isn't entirely uneventful, although I imagine that having an uneventful life is better than having a life that's cursed with events that are shitty, I'm glad mine's somewhere in between. 

This is pretty neat, been on replay for the last half an hour or so. la la la la la la la la la la la.

She reminds me of Danielle McDonald and that's pretty coo'

Friday 5 July 2013

Night like this.

"If this was Neverland
I would only have to think of you
to be able to fly.
And everyone would be all like
"man, you fly a lot.""

I completed my last mandatory hours at St. Vincent's De Paul but I didn't realize that I accomplished that until after I left. So now, I'm thinking how will I ever get to tell them I probably won't be seeing them ever again even after they said "we'll see you next week, bub!" ... I better come back regardless, It's kinda fun there and I don't want to leave any loose ends, this would be so much easier if I had my P's. If I didn't have this blog I would probably end up thinking about this all night but now that I have it written down somewhere I feel a little more at ease because it's like I've written it down on my mental "to do list" and at this point, I have no choice but to do what I've told myself and now I can focus on more pressing matters at the moment, like marathon-ing through the Men In Black series so I think I'll go do that now. Sleep deliciously, you, the person who is reading. I hope good things come your way and I also hope that those things don't affect me in any way, you know, unless like, you want it to or some shit.

Thursday 4 July 2013


"True freedom is getting to the age where you just don't give a shit anymore."
- Dylan Moran

Dude, I just had the most awesomest idea in the history of everything.
Once I had got my hand some some money, I planned on getting a carbon fiber hood for my car BUT what if instead of a carbon fiber hood, I'll paint it with black board paint and have the freedom to draw whatever I wanted when I go out ? What a silly question :L I shouldn't ask a thing when there's only one possible answer :L everyone knows it'd be awesome. I just hope people will refrain from drawing penises though hahaha nah, not gonna happen, there will always be a penis somewhere.

Denne came over and bought my guitar off me, he doesn't seem like the type who would bother learning an instrument hahaha than again, who am I to talk ?
I wonder if his missus has anything to do with the fact that he wants to take up guitar, actually, yeah, I don't care. Hope he has fun with that. 

Wednesday 3 July 2013


"Most people never really listen, they just wait for you to stop talking."
- Dylan Moran

Jesus Christ it's fucking cold.
My little brother has been making it a point to go to sleep at 10pm and wake up at 6am, I suppose he understood what would happen if he continued the sleeping pattern I introduced him to and made the effort to make the initiative every single day. Kids are a lot smarter than I give them credit for and I'm starting to admit it. When I was in primary school I had thought I understood everything. My parents would often say things like "I'll tell you when you're a little older" and at the time I thought "mate, I'm as smart as I'll ever be right now" which was correct to an extent but I eventually understood what they meant but unfortunately, by the time I could understand, I couldn't give a shit so I guess they stopped trying altogether :L

I was asked by Hoc to look after Augustian from 9pm-12am so he could go gym and take care of a few other things. It really takes something out of boys when it comes to asking for favors like that. I owe a lot to Hoc so it didn't take much for me to accept. I don't owe him anything in particular but I owe a lot to everyone.

Ausgustian : Are you a virgin ?
Me : Yeap, haven't even had my first kiss yet, you impressed ?
Augustian : Figures.
Me : How'd you figure ?
Augustian : Look at the size of your monitor
Me : The fuck does that have to do with anything ? 
Augustian : They say you become a sage if you're 30 and still a virgin.
Me : .... Wanna eat maccas ?
Augustian : .... Yes.

and off we went. There was more to the conversation but they were mostly just random murmurs from both of us. He's one of a kind that boy :L 

Tuesday 2 July 2013


 "Come for the cake, stay for more cake."
- Dylan Moran

Every so often, Dante would spend his time at home in my room, I don't know if it's meant to symbolize something like his guilt (if he even has any) of not being able to spend time with his family as much as he should have or his desire to fart in my presence just so he can maintain this brotherly-relationship because I think he knows that I know that we won't be able to stay like this much longer. He'll eventually move out into a new house with his girlfriend and just like that, our ties will be severed, not that I know that's what is going to happen but it's what happened when my dad upped and left. It's a real shame he did that too even though he doesn't live farther than a 3 minute walk from my house.

I think the longer I have this blog, I'll slowly but surely type out everything I know about myself, it'll be a long pilgrimage but I think that's what will happen, which is good for me since I've never been the one to keep secrets about myself, what better method to destroy the middle man than to have it all laid out here ?
It'll be amazing to read this when I'm old as balls, too. 

Monday 1 July 2013

Blue and white porcelain.

"You dope. If adults are in a bad mood, kids think they're the ones they're mad at."
- Daikichi Kawachi, the main character of an anime called "Bunny Drop"

Hahaha, Wombats are cool.
Even though I don't have my P's, it feels like I do, I drive around almost on a daily basis and almost none of it is for my own enjoyment, my mum has bigger balls than I do if she has faith that I won't get caught, this is a bad habit. It sure is convenient for her since I can drive Andy around and feed his mega-ball of a stomach but man, if I do get caught, I am so fucked :L Wonder if I'll be able to wow my next instructor and convince him/her to do an early booking, that'd get my shit together real fast.

Really wish I had more to type about, I can already see myself in in future facepalming at the sheer lack of content this blog has. 

Blue and White Porcelain - Jay Chou