Monday 22 July 2013

Something about us.

I found this online and I can't even begin to tell you how accurate this fucking thing is.
what were the chances, eh ? 

I was sitting here, chillin' and I was all like "what do I type up today...?" and after "putting it on hold" for like 4 hours I came to the conclusion that I needed McDonald's, fast. On the drive there I took the scenic route. The view at 3am is quite calming, what with the slight rain and absence of cars, Inala actually felt kinda serene but I'm sure it's only at this hour :L  I ordered two double quarter pounders and drove up to the register when low and behold, the check-out dude was none other than Tim Redzik. We talked about cars and he casually humble-bragged about his new hatchback and I'm ashamed to say, I'm quite jealous :L

Strange how inspiration hits you at the most unexpected places, I could have not of gone to McDonald's and remain completely dumbfounded as far as my blog post goes or I could have gone to McDonald's and met Tim thus filling my mind of shit to write. Who would've thought that all it took was a pound of processed, greasy meat and $13 ? I'm feeling pretty good about my bad choices :L

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