Monday 8 July 2013

There's only me.

"If we were playing Pictionary and your name came up
I would be all like
"Whaaa? why is your name in Pictionary?"
but I'd say that to myself
because talking is not allowed in the game,
then I'd quit because it'd be impossible to draw something so perfect."

Ever since Hoc left for Vietnam, I've been seeing Kiet pretty much everyday for the week, I feel like some sort of a replacement or something :L not that I'm complaining, I just don't remember the last time I've seen and talked to someone consistently other than school, shit, we even had Pho together, just the two of us, it was wonderful, romantic as fuck.

I found a rock in my my jester shoes today, I'm gonna keep it and name it "Berny", that is all.

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