Monday 15 July 2013


"You have one of the brightest minds I've ever known
It's as if the sun looked at Da Vinci and was like "sup, playa?"
and then Da Vinci was all "you wanna do this?"
and then they created your mind."

You know, these last few weeks having been throwing some weird thoughts in my head.
I'm starting to notice how distant I've become to those who I'm supposedly "close" to, I'm not saying that it's a bad thing, if it was meant to happen, it'll happen, I'm not one for engaging on these kinda things myself but as the days fly by, it's become more and more apparent to me that I'm the black sheep in my little group, the reason I say this is because I don't have any interest in the topics that are presented. The guys usually talk about games all day and if they're not talking about games, it's because they're playing them and soon, a majority of them will be going down to Melbourne so that they can play/watch people play games at a huge event. I admit, it's not something I would participate in and that's fine, It takes different kinds to make a world. I don't go into chats anymore because I know that whatever it is they're talking about, it's going to involve LoL or DoTA or some other game they feign interest in only to scrape it a month later. This isn't a rant, more like a written realization, I'm not saying that I'm going to be leaving my little clique but I just can't be socially active enough to even brand myself as one of them. Maybe this is a good thing, I do enjoy my time with myself, maybe the time they spend playing/talking about games is equivalent to the amount of time I spend in my awesome shell and that is just fine. Convenient, even.

I'm glad I didn't turn out to be one of those people who pretend to like something they don't in order to feel accepted.

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