Thursday 25 July 2013

Cage of the maidens.

"That's the problem with drinking, as I poured myself a drink.
If something bad happens, you drink in an attempt to forget;
If something good happens, you drink in order to celebrate;
and if nothing happens, you drink to make something happen."

Today, I figured out I love life, I just hate what it revolves around. The sheer notion that you're supposed to find your significant other, start a family and have your children carry your legacy and those before it makes life really seem like a game. Of course, it all depends on where you are and who you're around but to have your "objective" defined by where you end up seems a little unfair. I suppose it's this sort of thought that separates us from the previous generation, like we're denying their efforts of them making things the way they currently are and in that sense, it might be a waste to not progress in this game we call "life". It's almost as if it's become a definition of it's own, "MOOST MURRYY, MY TALLY WHACKER IS POINTING AT YOUR SECOND PAIR OF LIPS, THE RACE MUST CONTINUE, THE RACE MUST CONTINUE!" is what you'd find if you looked it up in the dictionary, probably not, but it might as well be.

All this comes to mind when I sit down and stare at this page in a separate window (I don't know why I do that, just looks more legit I guess) but the moment I click "Publish" it all goes back in the box. I'll forget everything I've ever thought the moment I wake up and before you know, I'll be having a wank on EVERY possible spot you can imagine that is "Casa Del Kevin"

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