Friday 5 July 2013

Night like this.

"If this was Neverland
I would only have to think of you
to be able to fly.
And everyone would be all like
"man, you fly a lot.""

I completed my last mandatory hours at St. Vincent's De Paul but I didn't realize that I accomplished that until after I left. So now, I'm thinking how will I ever get to tell them I probably won't be seeing them ever again even after they said "we'll see you next week, bub!" ... I better come back regardless, It's kinda fun there and I don't want to leave any loose ends, this would be so much easier if I had my P's. If I didn't have this blog I would probably end up thinking about this all night but now that I have it written down somewhere I feel a little more at ease because it's like I've written it down on my mental "to do list" and at this point, I have no choice but to do what I've told myself and now I can focus on more pressing matters at the moment, like marathon-ing through the Men In Black series so I think I'll go do that now. Sleep deliciously, you, the person who is reading. I hope good things come your way and I also hope that those things don't affect me in any way, you know, unless like, you want it to or some shit.


  1. aw that letter was so touching ♥

    1. The first time, I read it as "It is not a permanant farting." and laughed quite hard. Just thought I'd let you know, you know, cause I can.
