Thursday 18 July 2013

Beautiful people.

"I look at you the same way we all look at giraffes
which is basically like,
"I bet you were just born awesome.""

I recently found out that there's another blog with the title "the trill life motto" or something along those lines and I was totally gonna be like "woahhhh, you have a dope naming sense, dude" but then that would require me to do stuff, it's rare to find someone else that listens to Sucka Free CJ, Dumbfoundead and the rest of the youtube clique. I ended up changing my blog name, this works too though, right ?

It's like 4am, man. Usually I would be asleep at like 10-12 but I've been procrastinating the fuck out of this thing and I'm getting far too sleepy to keep this up so I figure I'll just type random shit until I'm satisfied with the amount of content in this post.

Bro, I ran out of shit to type. What do I do now ? goddamn, maybe I should like, bring a pen with me at all times and just scribble my day in dot point on my hand as they are happening but I don't want to explain why there are notes on my hand to every single person who asks, there's got to be an easier way to go around this... I don't want to type like 4 sentences on a post either.

I wonder what it feels like to be gay. You know, to just wake up one day and be all like "hmm, sure could use a dick right now" or something like that. Now I'm just typing my thoughts as I go along, it's not all that bad, maybe I'll have a paragraph at the end of a daily post of just shit that goes through my head late at night.
Yeah, I think this is a good amount and a good time to stop. Have a good night fellas, sleep deliciously.

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