Saturday 6 July 2013

La la la.

" Hanging out with you is more fun than playing with a coloring menu
and sometimes,
those menus have a maze."

The .gif above makes me hope that I end up like that. You really can't give any less fucks than that guy, makes me keen on the future even though I imagine if I do end up like that, it'll cause me to loose all my friends and I'll be disowned just from the sheer reflected shame that is amplified from my glorious tighty-whities and chest hair. 

Last night I asked my little brother to wake me up at 6 and when I woke up at like 12 I was all like "bro, the fuck ?" and he was all like "dude, I tried to wake you up but the moment you opened your eyes you screamed "YOLO" then went back to sleep." and I was all like "oh, alright." and he was all like "word."
alright, that's not exactly how it went but it might as well have. I don't recall it but trust is something you have to keep in the family. Sure doesn't sound like me though, actually, yeah, it sounds just like me :L

Kiet messaged me at 1 saying he was gonna come over to pick up Hoc's car keys to get his car serviced, Kiet drives aggressively, dude. I swear the only lesson in driving he got was from Grand Theft Auto or Crazy Taxi, I'm honestly amazed he's not dead yet. We went to David Le's to get it serviced and he even took us for a "drive" although it was just him drifting his car up and down a straight road, almost hit a tree, didn't, so that was dope. Got home, chilled with Andy, I need to take that boy on a walk or something aye, he looks too much like me when I was his age, kinda makes me sad.

This has probably been my longest post so far and I kinda like it, having lots of shit to post gives me a sense of security in knowing that my life isn't entirely uneventful, although I imagine that having an uneventful life is better than having a life that's cursed with events that are shitty, I'm glad mine's somewhere in between. 

This is pretty neat, been on replay for the last half an hour or so. la la la la la la la la la la la.

She reminds me of Danielle McDonald and that's pretty coo'


  1. "knowing that my life isn't entirely uneventful, although I imagine that having an uneventful life is better than having a life that's cursed with events that are shitty, I'm glad mine's somewhere in between."

    I like. :)
