Thursday 4 July 2013


"True freedom is getting to the age where you just don't give a shit anymore."
- Dylan Moran

Dude, I just had the most awesomest idea in the history of everything.
Once I had got my hand some some money, I planned on getting a carbon fiber hood for my car BUT what if instead of a carbon fiber hood, I'll paint it with black board paint and have the freedom to draw whatever I wanted when I go out ? What a silly question :L I shouldn't ask a thing when there's only one possible answer :L everyone knows it'd be awesome. I just hope people will refrain from drawing penises though hahaha nah, not gonna happen, there will always be a penis somewhere.

Denne came over and bought my guitar off me, he doesn't seem like the type who would bother learning an instrument hahaha than again, who am I to talk ?
I wonder if his missus has anything to do with the fact that he wants to take up guitar, actually, yeah, I don't care. Hope he has fun with that. 

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