Tuesday 2 July 2013


 "Come for the cake, stay for more cake."
- Dylan Moran

Every so often, Dante would spend his time at home in my room, I don't know if it's meant to symbolize something like his guilt (if he even has any) of not being able to spend time with his family as much as he should have or his desire to fart in my presence just so he can maintain this brotherly-relationship because I think he knows that I know that we won't be able to stay like this much longer. He'll eventually move out into a new house with his girlfriend and just like that, our ties will be severed, not that I know that's what is going to happen but it's what happened when my dad upped and left. It's a real shame he did that too even though he doesn't live farther than a 3 minute walk from my house.

I think the longer I have this blog, I'll slowly but surely type out everything I know about myself, it'll be a long pilgrimage but I think that's what will happen, which is good for me since I've never been the one to keep secrets about myself, what better method to destroy the middle man than to have it all laid out here ?
It'll be amazing to read this when I'm old as balls, too. 

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