Wednesday 31 July 2013

Cole summer.

"Oh yeah, yeah, fuck me, yeah" 
- Jack Nguyen whilst being pounded by multiple gay men
that attends his bi-daily orgy sessions on a cold winter's night which is like,
basically every night for the last few months, might've been going on for longer,
we'll never know. 

This blog has officially lost every bit of seriousness it had IF there were any at all to begin with and I'm okay with that.

I like that .gif :L only because I don't know if I should be amazed that there's a person who dresses up like a Jedi and does that or that somewhere out there, there's a 24 hour KFC branch that I'm not aware of. It's like opening a packet of chips that's filled to the brim with chips, yes, a wonderful analogy. Hahaha, "analogy" has the word "anal" in it.

Andy is 12. Holy shit, it's scary to know that he'll be a high school student is less than a year, reminds me of that time I get totally bashed the first week of high school, I really hope nothing like that is going to happen to him, Andy would probably eat him and that will be a difficult situation to explain. Cops would be like "what happened here ?" and I'd be all like "he just ate him, you know, like, with a fork and stuff". He broke another headset this morning so I asked him if he wanted another one for his birthday but before he could answer, I thought about how much I don't want to think about what to get him if he said no so I told him to shut up and ordered it anyway. Hope you enjoy ya chubby bastard. 


  1. The world is full of surprises my friend. Remember what happened when you got him the last gift? LOL

  2. dude, in all honesty, I do not remember what I got him let alone what happened after. I am a terrible brother :L
