Saturday 27 July 2013

Summer lights

"A society grows great
when old men plant trees
whose shade they know they
shall never sit in."

Dante treated Andy and I to breakfast this morning, which felt like a dream. It's rare to see Dante and not get insulted let alone having him shout us breakfast, wonder what sprung that up.. nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoyed what was given to me and absolutely demolished that chicken curry. Ronnie met Dante for the first time even through they've been close so many times, was a good time, goddamn, he has a busy ass shop.

Can't think of anything in particular about the meta part of my day. I was thinking about CatDog and what happens when either one of them poop but other than that, it's been a pretty smooth sailing day.

Huh, Huy started talking to me after like, 4 years. Said he wanted to play Tennis with me and Lam and pretty much forced me to chill with him one day, apparently he held some sort of grudge against me in high school but I can't, for the life of me, even remember when I spoke to him let alone did something to offend him. If I didn't know any better, I think it's because he heard I bought a car and is trying his hardest to suck my ass for reflected glory which is understandable when I think about how much of an asshole people can be. I quote "the past is past bro :L". Kinda odd to make up now of all times. Don't want to jump to conclusions, guess I'll just wait it out til I'm sure, then I can call him on his bullshit :L besides, I've always wanted to get a little better at Tennis, didn't get much practical lessons in Senior Education when we were focusing on Tennis. 

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