Tuesday 16 July 2013

One moment.

"When you smile,
it's almost as if an angel came down from heaven
and was like "this shit is perfect.".

I've caught myself acting a lot more mature than I would like to be, I suppose it's a good thing since it isn't always ideal to become your inner-child all the time but it does feel like you've lost something, wait, not something but someone. I'd take out the trash, clean the house, do the laundry, use blankets instead of a heater, do the dishes as soon as I use them and all this other shit I would never normally do, granted, I should've been doing all this shit when I was living with mumsies but I wasn't but now that I am, I kinda don't want to like it as much as I do. They say "growing old is mandatory, growing up isn't." but I don't think they've elaborated that topic as much as they need to. No wonder why I feel less fun and spontaneous, growing out of your teens is a pre' big deal but I imagine it would feel the same if I were 29 going on 30.

I need to go and do something, guess I'll hand in my logbook and get my goddamn P's. KT and Hannah told me I would be fine when I drove them home some nights ago but then again, they were so fucking drunk, they couldn't spell their own face so I think I'll take a raincheck. 

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