Wednesday 17 July 2013

Airplanes & terminals.

"If I could turn back time,
I'd go back to when Lincoln was alive
and steal one of his top hats and give it to you.
Because then you'd have one of his top hats
and people would be jealous of that."

I spent a majority of my morning chilling with Hoa, Alex and Leon at Sunnybank before their flight to Sydney, which was cool. We did what people would do at Sunnybank, eat ramen, eat chocolate ice cream waffles, play with toy swords and look at the toiletries (maybe that's just us) but I hope they have a safe flight cause it would totally suck if like, the plane exploded or something. I just feel bad for Leon for being seated right between Alex and Hoa. If you guys don't know already, having Alex and Hoa in the same room is a surefire way of getting some good laughs but Alex gets so much shit it's also kinda sad the way he just sits there and takes it, he's more of a  man than I'll ever be :L

Met with some of Dante's friends today, I wonder what it must be like for them to see me now, it's a strange thing to think about but they first met me when I was in the worst state of my life, it has to leave some sort of impact to see me now I imagine, even I'm shocked when I look at me now then refer to my primary/early high school photos. Shit is fucked. 

Come to think of it, there was some sort of clubbing event that happened today and though I feel thrilled I was invited it didn't really point at the demographic I was in, shame really, would've been fun. There's something about me that feels if the event isn't pointed at you, then why would you risk the chance of ruining it for someone else, it's like when you invite a dude to a movie he's already seen like, yesterday. People really hate that aspect of me and I don't blame them, it's just my logic, not the best logic but it's still mine. 

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