Sunday 7 July 2013

Pinky swear.

"Some people think we spend too much time together
but that's just because those people are stupid."

If you're wondering, the inspirations for my title posts are just the titles of the songs I'm listening at the present moment, well, not present, but the moment I'm typing so they don't really correlate to the content or anything else for that matter but if it does then I'm sure it's just coincidence... maybe. 

It's the first night in 2 weeks I'll be spending alone. My little brother has school tomorrow and he seemed a little depressed when he went home, hahaha thinking back, I think we all were. There was always that one kid who loved school and couldn't wait to go back, usually it'd be because they have family problems or they can weigh the company of friends with the general school experience, either way, there was a good chunk of us who thought they were weird but now, I think they knew, something was going on for them and they just had a glance at the bigger picture, I miss school now, especially primary school, the work, the teachers, those times when we referred to our breaks as "Little lunch" and "Big lunch", that shit was the best. I can't even begin to imagine how you'd come to this sort of conclusion at such a young age, all I thought about when I was a kid was what I was gonna eat next or what the next episode of Dragon Ball Z would be like, I swear that topic was what boys (and even girls) would talk about all morning.

Talking about primary school days is giving me a headache, not because of what I'm reminiscing about but the amount of thinking my brain can handle, I'm not used to thinking, I don't think I want to be hahaha how ironic.


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