Tuesday 30 July 2013

24 Karats of gold.

"I like ice cream." - That chick in the picture above.
Spent my day thinking about what to get Andy for his birthday tomorrow, even though I know that guy would be happy with nothing let alone anything but there's something about family that makes you go that extra mile. I don't want to cheap out and give the dude money of food (although that would make a pretty rad gift) but I can't think of anything. I really should've planned ahead :L guess I'll get him something online, hope he doesn't mind if his gift is gonna be a little late but hey, even if he does, I'll just kick him out of the house. Ahhh the perks of being in a brother-brother relationship, I feel bad for the people who don't get that pleasure.

Not too long ago, I didn't think anything of birthdays, it wasn't til recently that I started taking people into consideration about what they would like as opposed to what they would want but I supposed it depended on the person. Honesty was always the best policy. 

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