Saturday 20 July 2013

Pursuit of happiness.

"If you were a dog
you'd be the pack leader.
Or, like, the laziest dog in the world.
Sometimes, I just can't tell with you."

Today, I got mistaken for someone who was stripping in the gym, and although I have taken my clothes off in public just for the reaction (mostly, just before class), I don't recall doing so in a gym, so I did what anyone would do; I laughed and nodded politely until they went away. Do we all really look alike ? cause I think if I saw someone stripping in the gym, I would remember that person's face but chances are, I would remember a little more than just their face (ifyaknowwhatimean) He even said I was shuffling. It makes me sad to know that there's an asian somewhere in my neighborhood that strip-shuffles in front of people with such radiant pride, mostly because that asian isn't me. I sure hope it's Kiet, Hoc, Tony or Thanh though, that would be funny, I can picture Thanh doing that :L 

If you're bored as shit and want a movie to watch, might I suggest this ? I sure wish I knew that it was on youtube before I spent the last 2 days downloading it though. I don't know. I liked it. Makes me think about what kind of parent I would turn out to be. 

And hey, if you like the movie, the anime is just as good, if not, better. Sleep deliciously.

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