Wednesday 3 July 2013


"Most people never really listen, they just wait for you to stop talking."
- Dylan Moran

Jesus Christ it's fucking cold.
My little brother has been making it a point to go to sleep at 10pm and wake up at 6am, I suppose he understood what would happen if he continued the sleeping pattern I introduced him to and made the effort to make the initiative every single day. Kids are a lot smarter than I give them credit for and I'm starting to admit it. When I was in primary school I had thought I understood everything. My parents would often say things like "I'll tell you when you're a little older" and at the time I thought "mate, I'm as smart as I'll ever be right now" which was correct to an extent but I eventually understood what they meant but unfortunately, by the time I could understand, I couldn't give a shit so I guess they stopped trying altogether :L

I was asked by Hoc to look after Augustian from 9pm-12am so he could go gym and take care of a few other things. It really takes something out of boys when it comes to asking for favors like that. I owe a lot to Hoc so it didn't take much for me to accept. I don't owe him anything in particular but I owe a lot to everyone.

Ausgustian : Are you a virgin ?
Me : Yeap, haven't even had my first kiss yet, you impressed ?
Augustian : Figures.
Me : How'd you figure ?
Augustian : Look at the size of your monitor
Me : The fuck does that have to do with anything ? 
Augustian : They say you become a sage if you're 30 and still a virgin.
Me : .... Wanna eat maccas ?
Augustian : .... Yes.

and off we went. There was more to the conversation but they were mostly just random murmurs from both of us. He's one of a kind that boy :L 

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