Thursday 1 August 2013

Can you let me know.

"Jesus christ, it's August..."
-Kevin Le

Slept at 6 this morning, gave Lam a call, we were both mumbling and now I can't recall what we were even talking about, then one of us muttered "9 o'clock" then we both hung up and went back to sleep, I then recall I had made plans to go out got coffee with Lam and Leon at 9am and away we went. I always order an irish cream latte, I never really gave other coffees a chance after my auntie introduced me to it, you should give it a go if given the chance, recommend/10.

I spent my morning and a part of my afternoon with Lam, I can't even remember the last time we did something like that, I remember we'd often go for nightly walks around the neighborhood on a nightly basis, sometimes we'd even go to McDonald's just because we could, oh, and because we were hungry, that shit was awesome. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if we started to do it again but knowing there are better alternatives must be stopping us, shit was so much simpler back then, granted, I'm not even that old so talking like that is a little condescending. I'll stop now. Sleep deliciously. 

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