Friday 28 February 2014


"I'm gonna 'ave a good ol' fag to sort me lungs out."
- Craig, I honestly cannot get enough of that guy's accent.

"You know, if Jason Statham didn't look like he had a stick up his arse all the time, he'd look like you."
- Kevin Le, trying to describe Craig's appearance.

"You cheeky bugger!"
- Craig, in response to my description, Pommys actually say that :L It's amazing.

Woke up, did some warehousing for Harvey Norman and was told to go home at 12, I'm in no position to argue so I did just that. I never know what to do when I get home so I just took a nap :L it was an awesome one, too. Passed out for 3 or so hours and then got up to have a coffee at Zaraffas, saw faces from work and just kinda sat there with a drink for about an 20 minutes, it was awesome. I thought about what happened today and I don't know if it's ignorant or arrogant for me to say but; life is pretty easy. I got a fun job that pays around $700 a week (got paid today, too! Wooooo, moar moneyz for foodz) and Betty, also have a place to sleep and rest but I can't help but wonder how this will all change when I get married, it's gonna happen eventually and I don't know how well I'll be able to cope with it. Guess I'll just save up til that happens, got nothing better to do with my money anyway. Time to play the waiting game, Mumsies says I have a knack for saving money and I'm gonna get this family on the highroad even if it kills me. We're all gonna make it.

Four Seasons "Winter" - Vivaldi

I have no idea what is happening in this clip either.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Rhythm of the night.

"Wakey wakey, Kev, we got a drop."
- Beau, when we stopped at fucking Gatton.

Slowly getting to know a little bit about everyone, well, every one of the drivers anyway. I don't think I'll ever get bored of this job, there's just too much to see and talk about but I know I won't be an offsider all the time, eventually I'll get put into warehousing or be put forward for my truck license but for now, imma soak it in. Paired up with Baeu, one of my first instructors and got to see his girlfriend and his bimmer since he lives in Gatton, imagine that, though, driving an hour home for work then driving an hour back to work only to drive back home which would take another hour, I don't know how these people do it, man.

Nothing happened that really stuck but I do remember getting off at Gatton to deliver a dish washer. We were standing in the middle of a massive property, you couldn't see any roads or buildings, only land as far as the eye could see from any direction, I remember looking down to find this depressingly teensy, weensy, tiny piece of poop on the grass and then I got scared, I don't even know why. Why was that piece of poop there? what animal would go out of it's way to walk kilometers just to poop right in the middle of a giant field? There were so many questions and all I got was poop. I never was so glad to be on that truck once we were done with our business. Gatton is fucking crazy, bro, first time there and already my mind is fucked from a piece of shit.

Got home, went to the gym early since I felt pretty good and did my thing, that is, until this bombshell walked in. My god, the moment this asian chick walked in, all hell broke loose. She was being stared by EVERYONE THAT WAS FUCKING BREATHING, her ass was like "BLAM" and her face was like "KAPOW" and when I noticed she was wearing yoga pants I was like "COTDAMN!" Dudes were dropping weights and fucking up and shit, shit was like a walking hazard, everyone was flexing and counting their reps to absurdly high numbers and then I just left, man. There is no way you could focus when she was in there, you just couldn't. There're mirrors so no matter where you looked, you'd see a piece of ass somewhere within sight, even the chicks were drooling over this chick, it was insane. I hope she never comes back, or comes when I'm not there. What a strange thing to get worked up over :L

Rhythm Of The Night (Ellie Gouldding Cover) - Bastille

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Smoke and fire.

"You like to sing when you're bored as fuck, aye?"
- Josh/Bob, I learnt something about myself because of this.

Old mate Stevie rocked up to work in his Subaru Impreza WRX club spec 2011 and made me figuratively spray white fluids all over myself, he even lent me the car keys to do whatever I wanted but I didn't have the heart to take it for a spin, all I did was sit in it's majestic glory as my boss was screaming at me from the outside in hopes to bring me back to Earth. I was told there were less than 300 of those cars here in Australia, who would've thought that one of those cars would end up in the hands of some laborer that lives in Gatton? Spent the day was Josh/Bob's offsider on our rounds, went to many, many places, which shouldn't be much of a surprise anymore, I haven't done this gig for long but goddamn, I've delivered more shit to houses more than I care to count. The world is massive, man, We spent hours on the road talking about high school, cars and future plans while taking in the view, just hills upon hills, not a speck of civilization in sight, a real quiet, peaceful image. I hope I'll get to be one of those people one day.

I can't tell you amount of times you go to deliver something out in the middle of fucking no where and expect to end up at a shit hole judging by the things you've already seen but acutally end up at a little slice of paradise. I was absolutely astonished to find a mansion-like home in the middle of a massive property surrounded by cows, shoddy-made fences and the lack of everything you thought was everywhere. These people live in gorgeous houses smackbang is the middle of god only knows encased by a view you can't even imagine. I lack the ability to articulate such an experience but man, I could get used to this. You know at the end of 101 Dalmatians how they bought a house/farm to accommodate all the dogs? it was like that but better. Holy shit

I can't wait to get my smartphone fixed, it'd be nice to take pictures and post them up here, the shit that is out there, man, you have no idea, well, you might but I had no idea.

Smoke And Fire - MOOG & Erin Renee

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Dark warrior.

"That's an understatement."
- Steve, another dude I met at work. He said that right after I told him I was special.

Think I'm gonna have to stop at 71kgs, fasting and working isn't going the way I planned. It's really difficult to do whats required while starving and I guess it was a good run despite being 3kgs shy from my goal. I've gotten in the habit of eating once or twice a day which isn't very good, just don't feel the need to eat as much anymore, guess I'll work towards 68 slowly instead of taking every single precaution to ensure I'll make it from now on, shit was pretty tiring anyway.

I like my job, aside from all the heavy lifting, unreasonable clients, shitty house structures and lack of auxiliary cables in the trucks, it's pretty easy and straight forward, plus I get to go into all these houses, some that are over the top and extravagant and others that are just plain nasty but it comes with the territory I suppose. I don't think I've had a job that's this much suited for me, all that I have to do now is not fuck up because in terms of hierarchy, this place is pretty lax.

I spent most work and day singing songs at the top of my lungs to the outside world as Stevie drove. Songs like "Kids" from MGMT, classic S Club Seven songs, "Teenage Dirtbag", "Jar of Hearts", "Better Half Of Me", random Disney songs as well as what ever popped up on the radio, felt a little bad since Steve had no fucking idea what I was on about most of the time but at that point, any sort of conversation would've lightened the mood, it's hard to suddenly open up to someone you've never met before and I think music (or lack thereof) is a good place to start.

So yeah, that's my life now. Work, eat, gym and sleep, if I'm not doing any of those then I'm doing nothing and I'm starting to like it.

I'm really digging Andrew Rayel's stuff, man. Only listened to like, 4 of his songs and they're all so good. Think I've found mahself a new DJ to follow, goddamn, Armin is good at scouting.

Dark Warrior - Andrew Rayel

Monday 24 February 2014

Until the end.

"We going to eat pho?"
- Izzy, at least, that's what I thought she said.

Woke up because I had thought I heard the word "pho" turns out, Izzy and Dante had plans to go out and each lunch and I was asked to come along, so, being the Vietnamese person I am, tagged along and I don't know how or why, but we ended up at The Coffee Club in Forest Lake, turns out, there was absolutely no mention of pho all day. When I asked about pho, they looked at me as if I had suddenly grew a vagina on my forehead. I'm trippin' balls, aye. I don't think I've seen anyone more confused then those two today and they have every right to be, guess I just heard what I wanted to hear the moment I woke up, being half-awake didn't help either. Bought the Coffee Club's "Big Breakfast" for like, $24, shit is a rip, man. Why are Cafes so painfully overpriced? I think I'd rather hunt and harvest my own steak, sausage, bacon, eggs, sauteed mushrooms, tomatoes and hash brown, that being said though; it was pretty good. Would reccomend/10 but only once, any more and to me, you're a retard.

Turns out, no one actually wanted to eat at the Coffee club, there was some misinterpretations between the two love birds and they were silent for the entire meal, it was awkward as, and I rarely keep an awkward moment awkward on purpose. No one left satisfied but me which is strange considering that they were the ones who made the decision to go. The whole time I was there, all I could think about was "hmmm, so this is what it's like to be in relationship... yeah, not for me" and then I ate everything. I'm sure there're more positives than negatives when it comes to a long term relationship though, guess I can only focus on the bullshit than the things we all take for granted.

It was my day off again so I spent it rubbing ice on my nipples whilst naked. It was a good day.

Until The End - Andrew Rayel & Jwadan

Sunday 23 February 2014


- Kevin Le, when asked "what are you going to do today?"

Bro, bro. Bro, brooooo, bro. Get this, bro, bro. Alright, today was all like, bro, you don't even. Bro, mannnnnnn, bro, shit was crazy.

I honestly don't know what I did today. I vaguely remember opening my eyes at some point during the day and getting Subway with Dante and jizzing over the new garlic bread sub with garlic aioli thing they have there now, huh, "aioli" is not a real word apparently. I think my entire life is just me distracting myself until it's time to eat, and I usually do that by sleeping. What a meaningless life, not that I need a meaning, just seems so tiny when I word it like that :L

I'm not living alone anymore! Dante and Izzy are starting to sleep over for some reason, trouble in paradise I suppose, probably has something to so with her parents, there're rarely stable relationships when it comes to in-laws (they're not married but they might as well be) never asked but yeah, it's so much more lively in this house, there's always someone shouting incoherent words or someone getting really, really excited over something trivial and that was something I really missed, it's kinda hard to do all those things by yourself but I have a feeling this won't last, what ever quarrels they may have will be over in no time at all, that's just how family is. It's so weird when you look at things like that, I think this all started when I watched a Disney movie and was all like "What the fuck, don't do that, it's dangerous, you stupid mermaid. Get the fuck back to your father."

Eiforya - Armin Van Buuren & Andrew Rayel


"You're probably the best one that's come in lately."
- Troy, my baby sitter for work today. Says a lot about the company, doesn't it?

Woke up early man, like, really early, like, early as balls. Was called in to be one of the few dudes to come in on a Saturday and even though they make it sound like a privilege, it obviously isn't and everyone knows, I know everyone knows but they just play a long to the bosses shenanigans because it's his little way of making the day "fun" :L The boss bought a shit tonne of Maccas breakfast and the amount of will power it took to decline that offer was so grand, it took a physical form, you could bottle it. Josh/Bob was laughing his ass off since he knows about my fasting and made it hell for me that homo.

Today was a really nice day, despite starting at 6am, there wasn't really anything that took my attention away from what was needed to be done. It was considerably cooler than the previous days which made it much more bearable than it already was. I'm always out and about meeting new people and going places I never thought I'd be before and even though I'd usually avoid things like that, when it becomes your job, personal morals kinda get thrown out of the window, unless of course, it was something big.

Hoa and Flynn came by and bummed at my place which hasn't happened in ages. I think the last time I saw them (or any of the guys in fact) was on Christmas, there might've been other encounters but none of which I can remember. Once I had realized that it's been that long that I've heard word from any of them, it didn't sit well, it was like they're gonna crack at any moment but that could just be me. We went for Zaraffas and chilled til they had to go and that pretty much sums up my day.

I was told to have a day off tomorrow but I have no idea what the fuck to do. Guess I'll rob a bank or something.

Together (Rabit Killer Remix) - Fatso

Friday 21 February 2014


"At one point, there were about 4 different Joshs working here and as a joke, I said "just call me Bob or something" and it just stuck, 4 fucking years later, it fucking stuck, so yeah, call me Bob."
- Josh, or Bob I guess.

Was bombarded with "How was the Eminem Concert-thingy?" which forced me to remember and then tell them what happened and that kinda scattered metaphorical unhygienic substances on my morning but that eventually subsided, not the questions but the matter. I'm starting to like this kind of lifestyle, it's nothing but work, gym and sleep but I guess after so long of doing nothing, this has become a welcome change of pace. 

Was stationed with Josh/Bob and despite all the shit everyone else gives him, he's a pretty cool dude, it made me think about how often people get misunderstood but in this kinda work environment, it's to be expected, everyone is always giving everyone else a hard time because that is what families do and I can totally dig that shit. 

I got a 6am shift tomorrow so I think I'll just leave it here. Even though I didn't want my blog to revolve around my work life, it kinda ended up here on it's own, it's probably just because this isn't something I would like to forget anytime soon and so it's what takes up my mind a lot of the time and what goes through my mind, goes on here.

Flaws (Chainsmokers Remix) - Bastille

Thursday 20 February 2014


"Ah!, ya fucking tit!"
- Craig, some dude I met at work today.

Whoa, what a roller-coaster. Today marked my second day at work and my boss had grouped me up with strangers so I could get to know them better. There's something about bosses that make you respect them, not because of who they are but how wise they are, they make all the right calls and check up on you as if you were family, well, mine does and because of these things, I am truly grateful to that dude. Craig was one of the dudes I met, he's from England and a real pommy, like, a legit pommy, he says "innit" and shit, it was wonderful to hear him speak, I would take him home and fuck his voice if I could, wouldn't even think twice about it, even told him that, took it as a compliment and we went about our day. I think I like it here.

On the road of most of the day so that meant listening to the radio. Eminem's Rapture tour was on tonight and by 1pm, I heard a large amount of people were lining up hours before the event which left me in a little pickle. I honestly did not expect things to turn out the way they did, it took me by surprise but it also left me in a strange position, a feeling I don't think I've ever felt before.

I got off work at 4pm and got ready and started making my way to Suncorp Stadium to see Eminem, J.Cole, Kendrick and 360 but I've probably left Inala a handful of times so I did not know my way at all, inevitably, I got lost but somehow made it to the gabba which was close, or so I think. I continued my little adventure for hours, got into the city, headed towards the coast, you name it. While this was happening, my phone was ringing and it's pretty difficult to pick it up while driving on busy ass road but I did my best and all I heard was mumbles and screaming from the other side, it was mumsies number so I rushed back to her's only to find out it wasn't anything important. At this point, I had pretty much given up on going to Suncorp Stadium but Bobby insisted he'd lead me there, so we headed back to city and for some reason, he took me to the gabba, it was at this point that I realized that no one here knew where Suncorp was. So we headed back where I proceeded to destroy my fasting program and go on a binge because food heals all wounds.

My day was spent exhausted from work, wasting about a quarter of my fuel tank, not seeing Eminem, not seeing J.Cole, not seeing Kendric Lamar, wasting a $170 ticket to see said trio, gaining about 3kgs in Red Rooster and wasting mumsies and Bobby's time after work which they had spent about 12 hours doing. Needless to say, I felt a tad bit terrible. I thought I would've been you know, a little angry or upset but at this point, I didn't feel like doing anything. I just wanted to go home and be, which was a first for me. Maybe I'm growing up, or maybe I was just that tired. Ain't even mad, bro.

RAMelia -  RAM & Susana

Wednesday 19 February 2014


"Hey Dante!"
- Ellie Lee, looking straight at me.

There isn't really much to say, aye. I started work and who hasn't already been there ? Spending your day warming up to the people you're gonna have to spend a lot of your time with while working isn't exactly easy but aside from all that, it was a good day. Was in a truck most of the time, delivering goods to houses on behalf of Harvey Norman and poking jokes here and there with the people I was stationed with and what better way to do that than with racist jokes ? Ate at Miss India (which was a first) and then scooted along home. There's a bunch of other shit but I don't want my posts to be mainly about work, if anything, I would make an effort to avoid it unless of course, something hilarious happens :L

Since I've started working a proper job, I think I might have to botch my fasting schedule, there just isn't enough energy to last the day. I ate breakfast for the first time in months and even then, it took everything I had just to keep up. This will affect my goal but not by much, I hope. I was losing an average of .4 kilos a day but weighing myself today was no different than yesterday but I'll see if I can keep at it, maybe a bit of will power is all I need at this point and cardio, I need a shit load of that.

At this rate, maybe I won't be able to make it to Eminem tomorrow, that would suck but hey, won't be the end of the world. Maybe I should do what MyVy did and give it away or better yet, use my incredible merchant skills and sell the ticket, probably won't work, it has my name on it after all, or maybe a miracle will happen and I'll be able to attend Rapture, guess I'll have to play the waiting game.

Team (Elephante Remix) - Lorde

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Now or never.

"My secret to staying lean......."
- Dante Le.

Yes, that is my fridge. I'm ashamed to say that that is pretty full for my fridge. It's so much more depressing when you look at a photo of it as opposed to seeing it in person. I used to think nothing of it, the remarks I get from visitors every now and then don't stay in my mind longer than a moment or two but now that I have a photo; a constant reminder, really shines a new light to it. I'm still not going to do anything about it though. If I had food right around the corner, I don't think I could resist.

Woke up to go to a job interview and to make a short story shorter; I got another job and start in a few hours. It's amazing how laid back these guys are, they'd give anyone a chance. "When we heard about you, they sent us your resume.. I wonder why they did that. See you tomorrow at 8am!" and off I went, don't think I got to finish a sentence before the whole thing was over but yeah, gonna spend a lot of my days in a massive truck delivering shit people bought from Harvey Norman, should be fun, plus I'll get to see the road and meet new people a lot more. There's a fine line between meeting new people and knowing them, this job is perfect if I want to disregard the latter, which I do.

Bummed at Inala with mumsies while waiting for Andy to get off the bus, was dope, met the mother of my potential wife and made a terrible, terrible impression in hopes she would reconsider but I don't think anyone would back out on something like that if it meant not seeing your daughter again. Andy's friends are taller than me, that is depressing, man. Got swarmed by his friends trying to compare heights, thank god I'm stubborn, would've lost my dominance.

Now or Never (Estiva & Juventa Remix) - Tritonal & Phoebe Ryan

Monday 17 February 2014


"We don't need any more volunteers, we got Kevin!"
- Elaine, she won't tell me her last name for some reason.

I went back to St Vincent De Paul at Acacia Ridge for the first time in almost 7 months for the lols and was unsure about how people would react if I were to suddenly come back, looking back now, I don't know why I was even worried :L Nothing had changed, Don still didn't stop talking about Doctor Who, David was still making moves on Barbara, Barbara was still shutting David and down breaking his heart on a daily basis, Elaine was still working her ass off for no pay whatsoever, it was like those 7 months never happened. They were so glad to see a familiar face after so long, a face that didn't need constant direction unlike all those other volunteers who are forced to work there and it was real refreshing, tiring but refreshing.

Stayed at Acacia Ridge til 2pm and drove to Skylark and stayed there til I was told to pick up and Andy and drop him off at home. I crashed the moment I got home and didn't wake up til now, it's 3:47am and I'm really, really hungry. Wish I could type more but I'm currently fighting a powerful desire in my stomach and that's no way to blog. Goddamnit, just 4 more kilos, man. I can do it, we can do it. We're all gonna make it.

Typhoon - Julian Calor

Sunday 16 February 2014

Dust bowl children

"Yay! Food!"
- Andy Le, everyone really, and if they don't, well then they should.

Stayed up til 7am last night so I expected to be out til, well, 7pm but mumsies had other plans. Woke up at 10 to work, do some errands as well as get Andy food so that he doesn't forget that he is indeed a human and needs that sorta thing from time to time. I totally forgot where I was going with this.

Fed Andy and myself then passed out in his room for hours while he was playing games, I was told I answered the phone a bunch of times and said some weird ass things in my sleep but I can't remember it at all. I suppose today was one of those days where you're not all there, you feel weak, tired and are not capable of what you're normally capable of and knowing that just makes everything worse. I'm glad it was just a physical thing, if Oscar didn't link me ASOT 650, I probably would've given up for the entire fucking season. I forced myself to go to the gym but I didn't even stay longer than an hour, hour and a half at most and that's just pathetic, that is a 76 year old lady's pre-warmup cardio session but on the bright side, I'm 73kg, so I got that going for me.

Dust Bowl Children (Lush & Simon Remix) - Bingo Staar

Saturday 15 February 2014

Imaginary friends.

"You wanna bite?"
- Dante Le, pointing at his sub, that asshole, it was his idea that I go on this fasting thing, too.

Bro, today was chill as. Mumsies and Bobby invited me to have lunch and then bum at Inala over some coffee at KJ's for an hour or two, who could've imagined that my mum would take me out to do nothing, it was dope. Hmm, now that I think about it though, it might be what they always do, we just sat at one spot, drank coffee and judged people, they were so good at it, too, it was like their hobby or something :L "ugh, look at that chap over there, he's trying to do something" with the utmost disgust, too but seems like it's become apart of their life style now and there's almost nothing anyone can do to change that. I don't think I'll ever pass up an opportunity to chill with my family again, I almost feel sorry for Dante and Andy, they have no idea on what they're missing.

Andy is starting his little phase :L his door is always closed (though that might be because of his air-conditioner) he never comes out when it's time to eat and makes noodles when he does come out to eat, oh, how I look forward to his development, as would everyone else who has a younger sibling I imagine. I think I'm going to have an ample amount of entertainment for the next few years.

Imaginary Friends - Laszlo

Friday 14 February 2014

I see fire.

"Everyone in school thinks you're my dad."
- Andy Le. I've also become synonymous with muscles in Corinda High now, my nipples are so erect.

Woke up to become a translator for Bobby's appointment and then proceeded to have the greatest valentines ever. The moment I was let out from that appointment, it was 1pm and that meant go time. Sprinted to Phoung Trinh and had myself a romantic pho lunch with no one which then led to a romantic immediate post-lunch at Subway and even though my day had just started, there weren't many things I had rather been doing. It's valentines, man, gotta spoil yourself cause you're the most attractive person dead, alive or not even born.

Valentines is one of those days where you don't want to be with anyone in particular because you're afraid of taking them away from something more important so it's really a moment you can take to be a little recreational, well, I find. Drove to the lake and ran then skated a few laps and played at the playground while taking in the moment but while I was doing this, I couldn't help but notice all the couples that spend their time there. Students who had just gone out of class giving flowers and holding hands then make out for like 30 hours before parting ways was something you'd see no matter where you looked and while observing this behavior, a pretty high schooler walked up to me with a flower and asked me to be her valentine, ".... yeah, why not?" were the only words that came to mind and I ended up taking the flower she offered and wore it for the whole day but even though I never caught her name and we didn't so much as share a look together, it was probably more romantic than most and to be honest, that's a little depressing :L 

Went to a mate's house to put together a pool table, said he bought it for a $1000, he also said that that was "cheap" man, I'll never get the way rich people think. He also let me drive his Lexus, it's got a start-up button! not one of those ones where you have to insert and turn the key before you can press it either. The fucking car senses the keys within the vicinity and the car goes "bleep-bloop, bleepity-bloop" and then shit happens. Also, pool tables are really, really, reallllly heavy, would not recommend solo-ing that shit, it will hurt and you will cry.

Hope you had a fulfilling valentines, if you feel the need to have a partner, just keep fighting the good fight and he/she will eventually come to you, and if you don't feel you're loved, just know that you are, by me and many, many others.

I See Fire (Nicolas Costa Remix) - Ed Sheeran

Thursday 13 February 2014

The new kings.

"What a blast from the past!"
- Miss Tresillian, when she saw me. I assume she got re-married because her current name is "Kadayer" or something, I don't know, I just call her Kadoya.

Andy's parent-teacher interview appointment was today and since mumsies nor Bobby could make it, they asked me to go in their steed so I thought I should at least act the part and went through the whole day as Andy's "father" needless to say, I had a fucking blast. Andy and I got to Corinda High at 5pm even though his appointment was at 6pm which left me a lot of time to explore, many places have changed but at the same time, many have not. I had the biggest grin on my face when I took Andy around and told stories of what we got up to back in the days and he took me around and told stories that happened yesterday, it was a beautiful moment :L There was an assembly for all the parents who came which meant that the principal was there, and that meant a long ass speech but being Andy's father, I took everything "seriously" and nodded politely to everything that was said and tried my best to pretend to give a shit and just for the lols, I signed him up for extracurricular activities. We then went to his form room to have chats with the parents and teacher of the students in that class.

Andy: You're the odd one out, Kevin.
Kevin: Is that any way to address your father ? what do you mean ? I fit in perfectly with everyone in this room. 

We had to fill out a little survey about our "children" things like, "what do you expect for your children?" and "what do you want for them?" among other things and at this point, my father persona broke down, there was just too many possible things I could write, there is no way anyone could've ignored this chance, I don't have the form but it went a little something like this:

Student Name: Andy Le
Parent/guardian name and details: Kevin Le, *phone number and e-mail*
What would you like for you child?: To have a good time. He is perfect and majestic in every way.
How would you rate your child's experiences?: 50/10 no, wait, 74/10. He is perfect and majestic.
Others?: He is perfect and majestic

There was so much more I wanted to add but I was stopped physically by Andy, before anyone had even moved, there was a struggle in the middle of his form room between a 19 year-old father and his 13 year-old son over a goddamn pen. I could see Andy's tears as he tried to hold back his laughter throughout the principals speech and throughout my meeting his teacher. I don't think I've had so much fun on campus before. Being an asshole sure has it's perks. You should've seen the sheer confusion that was everywhere we stepped foot. I told all my teachers that I was there with my son and left before they could reply. Today was a really, really, good day.

The New Kings - Vicetone, Popeska & Luciana

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Life is calling.

"We should plan a Corinda reunion at a penthouse!"
- Thy Nguyen. One of those things you say on a whim but don't actually do anything to make it happen, raising up hopes n' shit, I'm way too experienced to let that shit happen to me, matee :L

Woke up, nothing changed. My room was the same, my laptop was still here, my T.V remained untouched, I'm still humming/singing "Better Half Of Me" and I'm still talking to inanimate objects. I figured all this out the moment I opened my eyes and I instantly thought "It's a good day" and I wasn't wrong. 

Becoming more and more organized as of late, more cleaner, too. Weird, I think it's because of Dante that I feel like these things need to be done. The basket of dirty clothes would constantly be empty, there's never a dish in the sink, the floor would always be swept but the moment mumsies comes over to sweep, she's miraculously gather a mountain dust somewhere, I swear, she's a witch or something, that's just incredible, holy shit, what was I saying? Oh yeah, organization, it's a sight to behold, man. I think Andy's absence has something to do with it, too. Maybe I'm just making up for all those times we left the house a mess from moving computers, laptops and T.Vs everywhere. If I were asked to clean the house a few years ago, I would've sighed and make my agitation obvious but now it's like "dude, if you don't clean that shit up, it's gonna start developing it's own consciousness n' shit. And you don't want that, what if it tries to take you to the after world in your sleep? then you can't wake up and go eat the thing you always wanted to eat and you and I both know that you'd rather stab yourself with a water bottle than to have that happen to you." and then I go do the thing that needs to be done, sounds reasonable, right? yeah :L I thought so, too. You and I are family.

Bumped into Jeremy, Thy, Vi and Kay at the gym! we were all on the treadmills, too so it was like a line of old school Corindians, reminiscing about old times, well, they were, I had headphones in listening to "Better Half Of Me" while those girls were making a lot of noise, slapping each other and rubbing pesto on their legs or something, I don't know, I wasn't paying any attention but it was a good cardio session.

 Life Is Calling - Joeysuki & Kill The Buzz

Tuesday 11 February 2014


"Ooh, kill em'!"
- Leon and Zane, when they saw the dancing asian sensation that is, Kevin Le which then led to the worst shuffling I have ever seen.

Woke up at 7 for a little jog, didn't last long, about 10 minutes before I called it quits, I could literally hear my stomach eating my stomach, it wasn't a pleasant sound. Showered and then went back to bed until 12pm, easily the best part of the day these days. Bummed with Dante and Izzy until they left to do what couples do, I have no idea what that is.

My day didn't consist of much now that I type it out. It was mainly bumming here and there and now I'm back here. If I were to type the struggles of my life, you wouldn't read the end of it, shit, I won't be able to read the end of it but then again, who would want to read about my perilous journey of doing the laundry just so I can be in clothes I don't even want to wear, I don't see why anyone would want to wear apparel that do nothing but restrict the amount of wind that hit your genitals, which is like, the greatest feeling in the world. If I were to grab a sword and stab you, even if you were naked or fully clothed, you're still gonna be hospitalized, only you wouldn't be out a $50 shirt if you were naked and that's only if you were only wearing a shirt, and if it says "swag" or some shit, that's probably why I stabbed you in the first place. There's no place like home, man.

Oh, today, I danced and got 4 other fobs to dance with me, they were all really big and that one moment, made me feel really good about myself, especially since I don't have the slightest clue how to dance. Today was a good day.

Seven - Tobu

Monday 10 February 2014


"You're breaking my balls fuel prices, you're breaking mah ballz!"
- Everyone, ever, well, not really, mainly these last few months.

I'm starting to lose it, man. I think it's the post-Dash-Berlin-depression kicking in. I've been singing "Better Half Of Me" everywhere for the last 24 hours and that's just the tip of it. Let me tell you how much this is affected me, right before I started typing, I was chilling and noticed my fan was making weird noise and I asked the fan "Is something wrong?" and then fixed it, keep in mind that I live alone. As far as I'm concerned, I don't think I would've done that had it been any other situation. I asked a fan "Is something wrong", I don't even, bro.

Didn't wake up til 12pm which marked my 24th hour of not eating but it's rare to wake up and feel hungry straight away, so I bummed for a few more hours before I got something to eat but even then, it's not much. My stomach has shrunk so much that it's not even a quarter of what it was. It's a strange diet but thanks to it, I'm 75kg which is 14 less than what I was on Christmas. Hopefully I'll reach my goal and stop soon, nothing is more satisfying than eating a fuck tonne of food and then eating more.

Drove Teddy around when he was done with tafe, listened to his complaints about the study life and felt good about myself for not following that path some I often wonder what it's like. Maybe studying won't be that bad, it's never too late though. Dropped Tolentino home and then cruised around which inevitably got me lost and had one hell of an adventure, lots of stray dogs, man, made me depressed.

A lot of things have been on my mind lately, it's unusual because I'm so used to not having a care in the world but these seeds have been planted in my head through conversation. Mumsies arranged some sort of marriage for me so that this chick she likes can stay in Australia and it completely blew my mind because I had never even thought about getting a girlfriend let alone a wife. It's your mum though, and because it's your mum, she says "whatever makes you happy" but it's as clear as a baby's bottom that she wants this marriage to go through. Now I'm thinking about shit like "will she be happy doe?" "will I be happy?" "can she even tolerate me?" "are we going to have to do couple-ly things for years?" "does this chick even know?" "can I even provide for her?" "" and then Teddy comes along and tells me about studying and even though he was doing the opposite of bragging, it still left something. I can't even ask Andy what I should do anymore since he stopped living with me so I went for a run, had a nap and forgot about everything, that is, until I had to fucking blog. Guess I'll sleep it off and let future Me deal with it.

Brighter - The Two Friends, Jeff Sontag & I Am Lightyear

Sunday 9 February 2014

The better half of me.

"I'm surprised you came out! You never go out!"
- Oscar Tu, guess that's the image people have of me, pre' coo'.

Today was Perfect.

The Better Half Of Me - Dash Berlin & Jonathan Medelsohn

Saturday 8 February 2014

Man in the mirror.

"You sound too much like Vinh. It scares me."
- Some dude at the gym. "Vinh" is Dante's birth name

I guess we kinda do sound the same, I always end up answering his phone when he can't and then tell him about the conversation I had with some person I don't know, poor bastard though, had no idea it was some naked 19 year old subtly making advances on him (sometimes, her) through the phone.

Mumsies invited me to go eat pho with her today so you can imagine how excited I was but, being the asian mother she is, botched on the idea since she bumped into an old friend of her which left me hungry, depressed and confused but at the same time, not surprised. Most of my day was spent grieving over the fact that I missed out on free pho and family bonding time, both are quite rare these days, mind you. Ended up skating to Inala to eat bun thap cam and then lazed about the place for a good hour or so. I noticed ages ago but does anyone even smile in Inala? everywhere I look, it's either a neutral, depressed or a drunk face, sometimes a combination of two but no one seems happy there, probably why I don't go there as often as I used to. Come to think of it, why did Thanh Bui even visit? This place is a damn shithole when compared to anywhere else but I have to admit, if you look past the syringe covered parks, short-tempered noongas, shoddy asian businesses, those people who stroll around outside your house at 3am, the strange forest fires that pop up every now and again, those beggers that bum at Inala bus station, those African guys who smell and can't speak English and think they can, those Asian people who smell and can't speak English and they think they can, those white people who smell, can't speak English and they know they can't, the constant robberies, the constant arguing which then turns into a full-on fist fight, the amount of times people will try to rip you off, the amount of times those people will get away with ripping you off, the amount times people will ask you to buy stolen goods from them, the amount of times people will ask you for a cigarette when you're clearly underage, that shoddy phoneshop run by an asian family, that shoddy bakery run by an asian family, that place Lam works at, it's over-abundance of Asian restaurants, the fact that pretty much everyone has a weapon in their homes because they're afraid of each other, this place has sure has it's charms, well, I think so. Hahahah I'm joking of course! I love the over-abundance of Asian restaurants. 


Man In The Mirror (Alex Sonata Remix) - Shiloh

Friday 7 February 2014

Unless we forget.

"Hey! Which car is your's?"
- Yourchoice mechanic
- Kevin Le
Yourchoice mechanic

Was told to take Betty to a mechanic to get it serviced at 8am, had no way of getting home, realized I had a pennyboard in the boot and thus started my pilgrimage to Poinciana Street. Took a stroll in the plaza and visited many places, it's not everyday that I'm at Inala so I took my time to take in the sights (lol) Saw Randy and we shared a look, he really stands out :L shame the shop was busy, would've been nice catching up and giving him shit like old times. Inala walk paths are terrible to skate on, man, I don't know why I thought it'd be a cruise, pretty much walked it home, how ironically redundant.

People like staring at me, I don't mind it, it's just something I noticed, it was probably the board. I wonder if this is what it feels like to be a "skater" hahaha I imagine there are a lot of negative stereotypes about those kinda people, it's too bad that the only thing I can do with a board is stand on it and just because of this, people avoid me.... maybe the pink shorts and singlet didn't help now that I think about it.

Got my hands on an iPod, albeit, an old one but hey, anything would've done the job at this point, I can't tell you how much of a cunt I've been because I didn't have something to listen to, thank you, Jeremy, you've saved a lot of lives with this gesture and I be sure to make it up to you somehow. Running has never been more enjoyable.

77kg! If there is a god, I'm pretty sure I'm it.

Unless We Forget - Jewelz, Scott Sparks & Quilla

Thursday 6 February 2014


"Yeah, that's right, do the laundry you dirty whore."
- Dante Le, whilst peering through the bathroom window.

Starting to lose it, man. Been cheating on my diets and skipping out on my morning jogs, this isn't good, been stuck on 79kg for a while. It's so demoralizing when you don't see continual progress, I guess this is applicable in anything but this is the first time I've wanted something so bad. I better step up my game soon, 68kg is an ever-distant paradise at this rate. I'll make it, we'll all make it.

Didn't wake up til 4pm, man and even when I did wake up, my curtains blocked out so much of the sunlight, I kinda went back to sleep. Other than doing the usual, I don't think there was much I did other than scout for more music which takes up a surprising amount of time. Since Dash is coming up real soon, I figured it would be good to immerse myself in new doof doof and that got some dope results, must've chalked up another 30 or so songs. 

Oh my god, I'm a genius. I just figured out how to avoid eating another meal. I'll just wake up, brush my teeth, eat my meal and brush my teeth again. Everyone knows you can't be fucked eating if it means brushing your teeth again! THIS IS GOING TO WORK AHAHAHAHAHHAHA

Alive - D-Block, S-te-Fan, DJ Isaac & Chris Madin

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Wake me up.

- Amanuel
- Kevin Le

I can't even begin to hope to even imagine to tell you how much I laughed at my own joke after I typed that. It's not one of those jokes you can explain because it'd just rape the joke of all it's hilarity, I know, I tried it on Kiet just to see if it'd work, it didn't. He just looked at me like I pulled a ham sandwich from my pocket that didn't belong to me but he's a bro, I know this because he kinda laughed but it wasn't genuine, it was more like one of those pity laughs but I didn't care, I was too busy laughing at my joke yet again. 

Bummed at Woolies and bumped into KT, Kiet and Trumpet there, had Zaraffas and bought nothing despite all the deals they were having. There's now a blood donation center in the parking lot, I never thought about donating blood til now but since I've seen it, I'm pretty sure I'm going to give it a go one of these days, who would pass up a chance to save a life ? On second thought, it might not be soon, got to be in tip-top shape and fasting is no way to do it, maybe I'll just botch my diet for a while for it, I don't think that station will be there forever.

Secured my Rapture ticket and managed to stay naked for the majority of the day, a pretty good day, if I do say so myself, there're a few things I can look forward to and I pray to God that they don't fall through, I'd shoot my foot with a harpoon if I missed out on seeing Dash Berlin, MaRLo, Christina Novelli, Emma Hewitt, Jonathan Mendelsohn, Eminem, Kendric Lamar and J.Cole perform live, I think a lot of people would :L

Wake Me Up (Bagpipe Cover) (Red Hot Chilli Peppers) - Avicii

Tuesday 4 February 2014


"Fuck me!"
- Dante Le, playing flappy bird

Flappy Bird is an annoying game, man. Not only is it hard as shit but it makes that noise when you successfully avoid an obstacle, you know, that little kaching noise that sounds like one of those boxes Mario punches only this box is suffering from severe diarrhea with lance through it's throat, if it has one. Imagine waking up to that; kaching, kaching, kaching, bop!, "FUCK" *pause* kaching, bop! "ARGHH!" *pause* bop! "fuck this." Poor Dante.

Oh, I'm also peeling from the sunburn a few days back. I like to think of it as a beautiful butterfly emerging from it's cocoon, no, wait, a beautiful butterfly emerging from an already beautiful butterfly but other than that positive thought, it's actually quite daunting. There a very few things that match the oddity of peeling a strip of skin from yourself, ugh.

Dude, this song has been on repeat all day and I don't even know why. It's like the perfect combination when you're going for an "ehhhh" kinda thing. The gangster rap cancels out the adorable instrumental and so you're left with this... thing. Enjoy.

Dango Daikazoku (Busta Rhymes Remix) - Key

Monday 3 February 2014

Over and over.

- Kiet Nguyen, that had to be a rhetorical question, right ? no one in their right mind would decline free lamb.

I don't know, man. My days have been short, like really short, before I realized I even woke up, it's 2am and I'm watching One Piece highlights on YouTube or watching a slice of life anime I've already seen countless times (best way to fall asleep, by the way) and then it just repeats. Maybe I'm bumming around a little too much, you know, aside from work, I don't really do anything but I suppose it's the ideal life for someone like me. Earn your stay and then stay your stay.

Swung by Kiet's to pick up some Lamb he was giving away, I don't think I've ever drove home that fast before. I could smell the damn thing sitting there on the passenger seat, I even fastened the seat belt just in case I crash due to the sheer smell and presence of the marinated lamb, at least then, if I die, the lamb will live on and it will feed the stomach of another but man am I glad I didn't die because that lamb was fan-fucking-tastic. Thank you, Kiet, you've become the highlight of my day and I swear it's like %20 homo.

Befriended our gym's most iconic member, his name is Ace, how fucking sick is that ? he's fucking stupid strong though, I think he might be in the retarded league along with Dante and Tony.

Over and Over - Nelly & Tim McGraw

Sunday 2 February 2014

Feel good inc.

"Wanna play pool?"
- Hoc Vu, as he pulls out a depressingly tiny pull table and places it on his coffee table.

It's hard to be with people when you have an eating window. The last thing I want is to be out with company and shoot down an invitation to go out and eat just because I'm experimenting with my body (that sounded so dirty) I shouldn't say that it's hard, rather, it's just something I'd make an effort to avoid, making people go out of their way for you when you literally could not give less shits feels pretty bad, especially when it involves food but that way of thinking is overrated. If they choose to go out of their way when you don't give a shit, let em', that way, everyone is happy and if they're not, time to find another circle because that shit is confusing.

Kiet invited me over to Hoc's for a bite to eat and then we headed to Mt Ommaney, I wasn't paying attention as to why we went there but it sure felt... different. No one was running around, making crude or lewd jokes or even step foot in EB Games, which is bizarre when I think about who we are but reasonable when I think about what we are. It felt mature, we were looking at clothes and other things we would actually need as opposed to all the shit we would buy when we were in high school. I have mixed feeling about this but I guess your maturity depends on who you're with but it'd be nice to not have it defined by company.

Jeremy decided to hold a poker event thing at my place and you can imagine how hard I laughed when no one rocked up but you can also imagine how bad he must've felt and not only that, he lost $5 to me that night, talk about your bad days.

Feel Good Inc. - Gorillaz & De La Soul

Saturday 1 February 2014

Always on time.

"There's a lot of competition between brothers, you know how it's like. Most of the time, it's only the younger one that feels that way."
- Gym regular, I should really put some effort into remembering their names... Now I feel bad.

Watched Great Teacher Onizuka all day, "Strolling down memory lane" as they would say. Don't think I did much, not much you can do when nostalgia hi-jacks your mind, well, unless you get a call from Mumsies asking you to make her a Facebook account and then have to explain to her why you won't accept her friends request and then feel like absolute shit when she hides her depression by laughing because her sons won't be her friend on a social network media she won't even use in the first place. Thank God Andy has to deal with that shit now, although I have the feeling he'll find someway of making me answer all her questions because he's sneaky like that :L He's been around Dante and me too much.

Also found out Grandpa died, how homosexual is that ? I never really talked to the guy but shit, man. It was just so out of the blue like that, kinda bummed out my day. Not much can be done about death though, nothing can be done about it, actually. You never really prep yourself for these things but when it happens, you just have to accept it, maybe it just hasn't registered yet, I might break down at any moment but for the time being, I think I'll be fine. I do feel bad for not getting to know my parent's parents a bit better but at the same time, not knowing them didn't cause me to come down with severe depression. I think there's a special place for your grandparents once you get to know them, kinda like your uncles or aunties, not so much as a family but a really close friends that just happen to be family is how you would see them but if I had the chance, going to Vietnam and bonding with them wouldn't be bad, I'd actually do it in a heartbeat if the time is right. It's a shame that I only think about these things when they're gone. Rest in peace, old dude that used to make me ca phe sua da when I was like, 4, it was one the only things that stuck in my childhood.

Always On Time - Ja Rule & Ashanti
