Wednesday 26 February 2014

Smoke and fire.

"You like to sing when you're bored as fuck, aye?"
- Josh/Bob, I learnt something about myself because of this.

Old mate Stevie rocked up to work in his Subaru Impreza WRX club spec 2011 and made me figuratively spray white fluids all over myself, he even lent me the car keys to do whatever I wanted but I didn't have the heart to take it for a spin, all I did was sit in it's majestic glory as my boss was screaming at me from the outside in hopes to bring me back to Earth. I was told there were less than 300 of those cars here in Australia, who would've thought that one of those cars would end up in the hands of some laborer that lives in Gatton? Spent the day was Josh/Bob's offsider on our rounds, went to many, many places, which shouldn't be much of a surprise anymore, I haven't done this gig for long but goddamn, I've delivered more shit to houses more than I care to count. The world is massive, man, We spent hours on the road talking about high school, cars and future plans while taking in the view, just hills upon hills, not a speck of civilization in sight, a real quiet, peaceful image. I hope I'll get to be one of those people one day.

I can't tell you amount of times you go to deliver something out in the middle of fucking no where and expect to end up at a shit hole judging by the things you've already seen but acutally end up at a little slice of paradise. I was absolutely astonished to find a mansion-like home in the middle of a massive property surrounded by cows, shoddy-made fences and the lack of everything you thought was everywhere. These people live in gorgeous houses smackbang is the middle of god only knows encased by a view you can't even imagine. I lack the ability to articulate such an experience but man, I could get used to this. You know at the end of 101 Dalmatians how they bought a house/farm to accommodate all the dogs? it was like that but better. Holy shit

I can't wait to get my smartphone fixed, it'd be nice to take pictures and post them up here, the shit that is out there, man, you have no idea, well, you might but I had no idea.

Smoke And Fire - MOOG & Erin Renee

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