Monday 17 February 2014


"We don't need any more volunteers, we got Kevin!"
- Elaine, she won't tell me her last name for some reason.

I went back to St Vincent De Paul at Acacia Ridge for the first time in almost 7 months for the lols and was unsure about how people would react if I were to suddenly come back, looking back now, I don't know why I was even worried :L Nothing had changed, Don still didn't stop talking about Doctor Who, David was still making moves on Barbara, Barbara was still shutting David and down breaking his heart on a daily basis, Elaine was still working her ass off for no pay whatsoever, it was like those 7 months never happened. They were so glad to see a familiar face after so long, a face that didn't need constant direction unlike all those other volunteers who are forced to work there and it was real refreshing, tiring but refreshing.

Stayed at Acacia Ridge til 2pm and drove to Skylark and stayed there til I was told to pick up and Andy and drop him off at home. I crashed the moment I got home and didn't wake up til now, it's 3:47am and I'm really, really hungry. Wish I could type more but I'm currently fighting a powerful desire in my stomach and that's no way to blog. Goddamnit, just 4 more kilos, man. I can do it, we can do it. We're all gonna make it.

Typhoon - Julian Calor

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