Friday 21 February 2014


"At one point, there were about 4 different Joshs working here and as a joke, I said "just call me Bob or something" and it just stuck, 4 fucking years later, it fucking stuck, so yeah, call me Bob."
- Josh, or Bob I guess.

Was bombarded with "How was the Eminem Concert-thingy?" which forced me to remember and then tell them what happened and that kinda scattered metaphorical unhygienic substances on my morning but that eventually subsided, not the questions but the matter. I'm starting to like this kind of lifestyle, it's nothing but work, gym and sleep but I guess after so long of doing nothing, this has become a welcome change of pace. 

Was stationed with Josh/Bob and despite all the shit everyone else gives him, he's a pretty cool dude, it made me think about how often people get misunderstood but in this kinda work environment, it's to be expected, everyone is always giving everyone else a hard time because that is what families do and I can totally dig that shit. 

I got a 6am shift tomorrow so I think I'll just leave it here. Even though I didn't want my blog to revolve around my work life, it kinda ended up here on it's own, it's probably just because this isn't something I would like to forget anytime soon and so it's what takes up my mind a lot of the time and what goes through my mind, goes on here.

Flaws (Chainsmokers Remix) - Bastille

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