Sunday 23 February 2014


- Kevin Le, when asked "what are you going to do today?"

Bro, bro. Bro, brooooo, bro. Get this, bro, bro. Alright, today was all like, bro, you don't even. Bro, mannnnnnn, bro, shit was crazy.

I honestly don't know what I did today. I vaguely remember opening my eyes at some point during the day and getting Subway with Dante and jizzing over the new garlic bread sub with garlic aioli thing they have there now, huh, "aioli" is not a real word apparently. I think my entire life is just me distracting myself until it's time to eat, and I usually do that by sleeping. What a meaningless life, not that I need a meaning, just seems so tiny when I word it like that :L

I'm not living alone anymore! Dante and Izzy are starting to sleep over for some reason, trouble in paradise I suppose, probably has something to so with her parents, there're rarely stable relationships when it comes to in-laws (they're not married but they might as well be) never asked but yeah, it's so much more lively in this house, there's always someone shouting incoherent words or someone getting really, really excited over something trivial and that was something I really missed, it's kinda hard to do all those things by yourself but I have a feeling this won't last, what ever quarrels they may have will be over in no time at all, that's just how family is. It's so weird when you look at things like that, I think this all started when I watched a Disney movie and was all like "What the fuck, don't do that, it's dangerous, you stupid mermaid. Get the fuck back to your father."

Eiforya - Armin Van Buuren & Andrew Rayel

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