Thursday 13 February 2014

The new kings.

"What a blast from the past!"
- Miss Tresillian, when she saw me. I assume she got re-married because her current name is "Kadayer" or something, I don't know, I just call her Kadoya.

Andy's parent-teacher interview appointment was today and since mumsies nor Bobby could make it, they asked me to go in their steed so I thought I should at least act the part and went through the whole day as Andy's "father" needless to say, I had a fucking blast. Andy and I got to Corinda High at 5pm even though his appointment was at 6pm which left me a lot of time to explore, many places have changed but at the same time, many have not. I had the biggest grin on my face when I took Andy around and told stories of what we got up to back in the days and he took me around and told stories that happened yesterday, it was a beautiful moment :L There was an assembly for all the parents who came which meant that the principal was there, and that meant a long ass speech but being Andy's father, I took everything "seriously" and nodded politely to everything that was said and tried my best to pretend to give a shit and just for the lols, I signed him up for extracurricular activities. We then went to his form room to have chats with the parents and teacher of the students in that class.

Andy: You're the odd one out, Kevin.
Kevin: Is that any way to address your father ? what do you mean ? I fit in perfectly with everyone in this room. 

We had to fill out a little survey about our "children" things like, "what do you expect for your children?" and "what do you want for them?" among other things and at this point, my father persona broke down, there was just too many possible things I could write, there is no way anyone could've ignored this chance, I don't have the form but it went a little something like this:

Student Name: Andy Le
Parent/guardian name and details: Kevin Le, *phone number and e-mail*
What would you like for you child?: To have a good time. He is perfect and majestic in every way.
How would you rate your child's experiences?: 50/10 no, wait, 74/10. He is perfect and majestic.
Others?: He is perfect and majestic

There was so much more I wanted to add but I was stopped physically by Andy, before anyone had even moved, there was a struggle in the middle of his form room between a 19 year-old father and his 13 year-old son over a goddamn pen. I could see Andy's tears as he tried to hold back his laughter throughout the principals speech and throughout my meeting his teacher. I don't think I've had so much fun on campus before. Being an asshole sure has it's perks. You should've seen the sheer confusion that was everywhere we stepped foot. I told all my teachers that I was there with my son and left before they could reply. Today was a really, really, good day.

The New Kings - Vicetone, Popeska & Luciana

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