Tuesday 11 February 2014


"Ooh, kill em'!"
- Leon and Zane, when they saw the dancing asian sensation that is, Kevin Le which then led to the worst shuffling I have ever seen.

Woke up at 7 for a little jog, didn't last long, about 10 minutes before I called it quits, I could literally hear my stomach eating my stomach, it wasn't a pleasant sound. Showered and then went back to bed until 12pm, easily the best part of the day these days. Bummed with Dante and Izzy until they left to do what couples do, I have no idea what that is.

My day didn't consist of much now that I type it out. It was mainly bumming here and there and now I'm back here. If I were to type the struggles of my life, you wouldn't read the end of it, shit, I won't be able to read the end of it but then again, who would want to read about my perilous journey of doing the laundry just so I can be in clothes I don't even want to wear, I don't see why anyone would want to wear apparel that do nothing but restrict the amount of wind that hit your genitals, which is like, the greatest feeling in the world. If I were to grab a sword and stab you, even if you were naked or fully clothed, you're still gonna be hospitalized, only you wouldn't be out a $50 shirt if you were naked and that's only if you were only wearing a shirt, and if it says "swag" or some shit, that's probably why I stabbed you in the first place. There's no place like home, man.

Oh, today, I danced and got 4 other fobs to dance with me, they were all really big and that one moment, made me feel really good about myself, especially since I don't have the slightest clue how to dance. Today was a good day.

Seven - Tobu

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