Thursday 6 February 2014


"Yeah, that's right, do the laundry you dirty whore."
- Dante Le, whilst peering through the bathroom window.

Starting to lose it, man. Been cheating on my diets and skipping out on my morning jogs, this isn't good, been stuck on 79kg for a while. It's so demoralizing when you don't see continual progress, I guess this is applicable in anything but this is the first time I've wanted something so bad. I better step up my game soon, 68kg is an ever-distant paradise at this rate. I'll make it, we'll all make it.

Didn't wake up til 4pm, man and even when I did wake up, my curtains blocked out so much of the sunlight, I kinda went back to sleep. Other than doing the usual, I don't think there was much I did other than scout for more music which takes up a surprising amount of time. Since Dash is coming up real soon, I figured it would be good to immerse myself in new doof doof and that got some dope results, must've chalked up another 30 or so songs. 

Oh my god, I'm a genius. I just figured out how to avoid eating another meal. I'll just wake up, brush my teeth, eat my meal and brush my teeth again. Everyone knows you can't be fucked eating if it means brushing your teeth again! THIS IS GOING TO WORK AHAHAHAHAHHAHA

Alive - D-Block, S-te-Fan, DJ Isaac & Chris Madin

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