Wednesday 12 February 2014

Life is calling.

"We should plan a Corinda reunion at a penthouse!"
- Thy Nguyen. One of those things you say on a whim but don't actually do anything to make it happen, raising up hopes n' shit, I'm way too experienced to let that shit happen to me, matee :L

Woke up, nothing changed. My room was the same, my laptop was still here, my T.V remained untouched, I'm still humming/singing "Better Half Of Me" and I'm still talking to inanimate objects. I figured all this out the moment I opened my eyes and I instantly thought "It's a good day" and I wasn't wrong. 

Becoming more and more organized as of late, more cleaner, too. Weird, I think it's because of Dante that I feel like these things need to be done. The basket of dirty clothes would constantly be empty, there's never a dish in the sink, the floor would always be swept but the moment mumsies comes over to sweep, she's miraculously gather a mountain dust somewhere, I swear, she's a witch or something, that's just incredible, holy shit, what was I saying? Oh yeah, organization, it's a sight to behold, man. I think Andy's absence has something to do with it, too. Maybe I'm just making up for all those times we left the house a mess from moving computers, laptops and T.Vs everywhere. If I were asked to clean the house a few years ago, I would've sighed and make my agitation obvious but now it's like "dude, if you don't clean that shit up, it's gonna start developing it's own consciousness n' shit. And you don't want that, what if it tries to take you to the after world in your sleep? then you can't wake up and go eat the thing you always wanted to eat and you and I both know that you'd rather stab yourself with a water bottle than to have that happen to you." and then I go do the thing that needs to be done, sounds reasonable, right? yeah :L I thought so, too. You and I are family.

Bumped into Jeremy, Thy, Vi and Kay at the gym! we were all on the treadmills, too so it was like a line of old school Corindians, reminiscing about old times, well, they were, I had headphones in listening to "Better Half Of Me" while those girls were making a lot of noise, slapping each other and rubbing pesto on their legs or something, I don't know, I wasn't paying any attention but it was a good cardio session.

 Life Is Calling - Joeysuki & Kill The Buzz

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