Saturday 1 February 2014

Always on time.

"There's a lot of competition between brothers, you know how it's like. Most of the time, it's only the younger one that feels that way."
- Gym regular, I should really put some effort into remembering their names... Now I feel bad.

Watched Great Teacher Onizuka all day, "Strolling down memory lane" as they would say. Don't think I did much, not much you can do when nostalgia hi-jacks your mind, well, unless you get a call from Mumsies asking you to make her a Facebook account and then have to explain to her why you won't accept her friends request and then feel like absolute shit when she hides her depression by laughing because her sons won't be her friend on a social network media she won't even use in the first place. Thank God Andy has to deal with that shit now, although I have the feeling he'll find someway of making me answer all her questions because he's sneaky like that :L He's been around Dante and me too much.

Also found out Grandpa died, how homosexual is that ? I never really talked to the guy but shit, man. It was just so out of the blue like that, kinda bummed out my day. Not much can be done about death though, nothing can be done about it, actually. You never really prep yourself for these things but when it happens, you just have to accept it, maybe it just hasn't registered yet, I might break down at any moment but for the time being, I think I'll be fine. I do feel bad for not getting to know my parent's parents a bit better but at the same time, not knowing them didn't cause me to come down with severe depression. I think there's a special place for your grandparents once you get to know them, kinda like your uncles or aunties, not so much as a family but a really close friends that just happen to be family is how you would see them but if I had the chance, going to Vietnam and bonding with them wouldn't be bad, I'd actually do it in a heartbeat if the time is right. It's a shame that I only think about these things when they're gone. Rest in peace, old dude that used to make me ca phe sua da when I was like, 4, it was one the only things that stuck in my childhood.

Always On Time - Ja Rule & Ashanti


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