Monday 3 February 2014

Over and over.

- Kiet Nguyen, that had to be a rhetorical question, right ? no one in their right mind would decline free lamb.

I don't know, man. My days have been short, like really short, before I realized I even woke up, it's 2am and I'm watching One Piece highlights on YouTube or watching a slice of life anime I've already seen countless times (best way to fall asleep, by the way) and then it just repeats. Maybe I'm bumming around a little too much, you know, aside from work, I don't really do anything but I suppose it's the ideal life for someone like me. Earn your stay and then stay your stay.

Swung by Kiet's to pick up some Lamb he was giving away, I don't think I've ever drove home that fast before. I could smell the damn thing sitting there on the passenger seat, I even fastened the seat belt just in case I crash due to the sheer smell and presence of the marinated lamb, at least then, if I die, the lamb will live on and it will feed the stomach of another but man am I glad I didn't die because that lamb was fan-fucking-tastic. Thank you, Kiet, you've become the highlight of my day and I swear it's like %20 homo.

Befriended our gym's most iconic member, his name is Ace, how fucking sick is that ? he's fucking stupid strong though, I think he might be in the retarded league along with Dante and Tony.

Over and Over - Nelly & Tim McGraw

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