Friday 14 February 2014

I see fire.

"Everyone in school thinks you're my dad."
- Andy Le. I've also become synonymous with muscles in Corinda High now, my nipples are so erect.

Woke up to become a translator for Bobby's appointment and then proceeded to have the greatest valentines ever. The moment I was let out from that appointment, it was 1pm and that meant go time. Sprinted to Phoung Trinh and had myself a romantic pho lunch with no one which then led to a romantic immediate post-lunch at Subway and even though my day had just started, there weren't many things I had rather been doing. It's valentines, man, gotta spoil yourself cause you're the most attractive person dead, alive or not even born.

Valentines is one of those days where you don't want to be with anyone in particular because you're afraid of taking them away from something more important so it's really a moment you can take to be a little recreational, well, I find. Drove to the lake and ran then skated a few laps and played at the playground while taking in the moment but while I was doing this, I couldn't help but notice all the couples that spend their time there. Students who had just gone out of class giving flowers and holding hands then make out for like 30 hours before parting ways was something you'd see no matter where you looked and while observing this behavior, a pretty high schooler walked up to me with a flower and asked me to be her valentine, ".... yeah, why not?" were the only words that came to mind and I ended up taking the flower she offered and wore it for the whole day but even though I never caught her name and we didn't so much as share a look together, it was probably more romantic than most and to be honest, that's a little depressing :L 

Went to a mate's house to put together a pool table, said he bought it for a $1000, he also said that that was "cheap" man, I'll never get the way rich people think. He also let me drive his Lexus, it's got a start-up button! not one of those ones where you have to insert and turn the key before you can press it either. The fucking car senses the keys within the vicinity and the car goes "bleep-bloop, bleepity-bloop" and then shit happens. Also, pool tables are really, really, reallllly heavy, would not recommend solo-ing that shit, it will hurt and you will cry.

Hope you had a fulfilling valentines, if you feel the need to have a partner, just keep fighting the good fight and he/she will eventually come to you, and if you don't feel you're loved, just know that you are, by me and many, many others.

I See Fire (Nicolas Costa Remix) - Ed Sheeran

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