Thursday 27 February 2014

Rhythm of the night.

"Wakey wakey, Kev, we got a drop."
- Beau, when we stopped at fucking Gatton.

Slowly getting to know a little bit about everyone, well, every one of the drivers anyway. I don't think I'll ever get bored of this job, there's just too much to see and talk about but I know I won't be an offsider all the time, eventually I'll get put into warehousing or be put forward for my truck license but for now, imma soak it in. Paired up with Baeu, one of my first instructors and got to see his girlfriend and his bimmer since he lives in Gatton, imagine that, though, driving an hour home for work then driving an hour back to work only to drive back home which would take another hour, I don't know how these people do it, man.

Nothing happened that really stuck but I do remember getting off at Gatton to deliver a dish washer. We were standing in the middle of a massive property, you couldn't see any roads or buildings, only land as far as the eye could see from any direction, I remember looking down to find this depressingly teensy, weensy, tiny piece of poop on the grass and then I got scared, I don't even know why. Why was that piece of poop there? what animal would go out of it's way to walk kilometers just to poop right in the middle of a giant field? There were so many questions and all I got was poop. I never was so glad to be on that truck once we were done with our business. Gatton is fucking crazy, bro, first time there and already my mind is fucked from a piece of shit.

Got home, went to the gym early since I felt pretty good and did my thing, that is, until this bombshell walked in. My god, the moment this asian chick walked in, all hell broke loose. She was being stared by EVERYONE THAT WAS FUCKING BREATHING, her ass was like "BLAM" and her face was like "KAPOW" and when I noticed she was wearing yoga pants I was like "COTDAMN!" Dudes were dropping weights and fucking up and shit, shit was like a walking hazard, everyone was flexing and counting their reps to absurdly high numbers and then I just left, man. There is no way you could focus when she was in there, you just couldn't. There're mirrors so no matter where you looked, you'd see a piece of ass somewhere within sight, even the chicks were drooling over this chick, it was insane. I hope she never comes back, or comes when I'm not there. What a strange thing to get worked up over :L

Rhythm Of The Night (Ellie Gouldding Cover) - Bastille

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