Monday 24 February 2014

Until the end.

"We going to eat pho?"
- Izzy, at least, that's what I thought she said.

Woke up because I had thought I heard the word "pho" turns out, Izzy and Dante had plans to go out and each lunch and I was asked to come along, so, being the Vietnamese person I am, tagged along and I don't know how or why, but we ended up at The Coffee Club in Forest Lake, turns out, there was absolutely no mention of pho all day. When I asked about pho, they looked at me as if I had suddenly grew a vagina on my forehead. I'm trippin' balls, aye. I don't think I've seen anyone more confused then those two today and they have every right to be, guess I just heard what I wanted to hear the moment I woke up, being half-awake didn't help either. Bought the Coffee Club's "Big Breakfast" for like, $24, shit is a rip, man. Why are Cafes so painfully overpriced? I think I'd rather hunt and harvest my own steak, sausage, bacon, eggs, sauteed mushrooms, tomatoes and hash brown, that being said though; it was pretty good. Would reccomend/10 but only once, any more and to me, you're a retard.

Turns out, no one actually wanted to eat at the Coffee club, there was some misinterpretations between the two love birds and they were silent for the entire meal, it was awkward as, and I rarely keep an awkward moment awkward on purpose. No one left satisfied but me which is strange considering that they were the ones who made the decision to go. The whole time I was there, all I could think about was "hmmm, so this is what it's like to be in relationship... yeah, not for me" and then I ate everything. I'm sure there're more positives than negatives when it comes to a long term relationship though, guess I can only focus on the bullshit than the things we all take for granted.

It was my day off again so I spent it rubbing ice on my nipples whilst naked. It was a good day.

Until The End - Andrew Rayel & Jwadan

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