Sunday 2 February 2014

Feel good inc.

"Wanna play pool?"
- Hoc Vu, as he pulls out a depressingly tiny pull table and places it on his coffee table.

It's hard to be with people when you have an eating window. The last thing I want is to be out with company and shoot down an invitation to go out and eat just because I'm experimenting with my body (that sounded so dirty) I shouldn't say that it's hard, rather, it's just something I'd make an effort to avoid, making people go out of their way for you when you literally could not give less shits feels pretty bad, especially when it involves food but that way of thinking is overrated. If they choose to go out of their way when you don't give a shit, let em', that way, everyone is happy and if they're not, time to find another circle because that shit is confusing.

Kiet invited me over to Hoc's for a bite to eat and then we headed to Mt Ommaney, I wasn't paying attention as to why we went there but it sure felt... different. No one was running around, making crude or lewd jokes or even step foot in EB Games, which is bizarre when I think about who we are but reasonable when I think about what we are. It felt mature, we were looking at clothes and other things we would actually need as opposed to all the shit we would buy when we were in high school. I have mixed feeling about this but I guess your maturity depends on who you're with but it'd be nice to not have it defined by company.

Jeremy decided to hold a poker event thing at my place and you can imagine how hard I laughed when no one rocked up but you can also imagine how bad he must've felt and not only that, he lost $5 to me that night, talk about your bad days.

Feel Good Inc. - Gorillaz & De La Soul

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