Saturday 8 February 2014

Man in the mirror.

"You sound too much like Vinh. It scares me."
- Some dude at the gym. "Vinh" is Dante's birth name

I guess we kinda do sound the same, I always end up answering his phone when he can't and then tell him about the conversation I had with some person I don't know, poor bastard though, had no idea it was some naked 19 year old subtly making advances on him (sometimes, her) through the phone.

Mumsies invited me to go eat pho with her today so you can imagine how excited I was but, being the asian mother she is, botched on the idea since she bumped into an old friend of her which left me hungry, depressed and confused but at the same time, not surprised. Most of my day was spent grieving over the fact that I missed out on free pho and family bonding time, both are quite rare these days, mind you. Ended up skating to Inala to eat bun thap cam and then lazed about the place for a good hour or so. I noticed ages ago but does anyone even smile in Inala? everywhere I look, it's either a neutral, depressed or a drunk face, sometimes a combination of two but no one seems happy there, probably why I don't go there as often as I used to. Come to think of it, why did Thanh Bui even visit? This place is a damn shithole when compared to anywhere else but I have to admit, if you look past the syringe covered parks, short-tempered noongas, shoddy asian businesses, those people who stroll around outside your house at 3am, the strange forest fires that pop up every now and again, those beggers that bum at Inala bus station, those African guys who smell and can't speak English and think they can, those Asian people who smell and can't speak English and they think they can, those white people who smell, can't speak English and they know they can't, the constant robberies, the constant arguing which then turns into a full-on fist fight, the amount of times people will try to rip you off, the amount of times those people will get away with ripping you off, the amount times people will ask you to buy stolen goods from them, the amount of times people will ask you for a cigarette when you're clearly underage, that shoddy phoneshop run by an asian family, that shoddy bakery run by an asian family, that place Lam works at, it's over-abundance of Asian restaurants, the fact that pretty much everyone has a weapon in their homes because they're afraid of each other, this place has sure has it's charms, well, I think so. Hahahah I'm joking of course! I love the over-abundance of Asian restaurants. 


Man In The Mirror (Alex Sonata Remix) - Shiloh

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