Wednesday 19 February 2014


"Hey Dante!"
- Ellie Lee, looking straight at me.

There isn't really much to say, aye. I started work and who hasn't already been there ? Spending your day warming up to the people you're gonna have to spend a lot of your time with while working isn't exactly easy but aside from all that, it was a good day. Was in a truck most of the time, delivering goods to houses on behalf of Harvey Norman and poking jokes here and there with the people I was stationed with and what better way to do that than with racist jokes ? Ate at Miss India (which was a first) and then scooted along home. There's a bunch of other shit but I don't want my posts to be mainly about work, if anything, I would make an effort to avoid it unless of course, something hilarious happens :L

Since I've started working a proper job, I think I might have to botch my fasting schedule, there just isn't enough energy to last the day. I ate breakfast for the first time in months and even then, it took everything I had just to keep up. This will affect my goal but not by much, I hope. I was losing an average of .4 kilos a day but weighing myself today was no different than yesterday but I'll see if I can keep at it, maybe a bit of will power is all I need at this point and cardio, I need a shit load of that.

At this rate, maybe I won't be able to make it to Eminem tomorrow, that would suck but hey, won't be the end of the world. Maybe I should do what MyVy did and give it away or better yet, use my incredible merchant skills and sell the ticket, probably won't work, it has my name on it after all, or maybe a miracle will happen and I'll be able to attend Rapture, guess I'll have to play the waiting game.

Team (Elephante Remix) - Lorde

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