Sunday 23 February 2014


"You're probably the best one that's come in lately."
- Troy, my baby sitter for work today. Says a lot about the company, doesn't it?

Woke up early man, like, really early, like, early as balls. Was called in to be one of the few dudes to come in on a Saturday and even though they make it sound like a privilege, it obviously isn't and everyone knows, I know everyone knows but they just play a long to the bosses shenanigans because it's his little way of making the day "fun" :L The boss bought a shit tonne of Maccas breakfast and the amount of will power it took to decline that offer was so grand, it took a physical form, you could bottle it. Josh/Bob was laughing his ass off since he knows about my fasting and made it hell for me that homo.

Today was a really nice day, despite starting at 6am, there wasn't really anything that took my attention away from what was needed to be done. It was considerably cooler than the previous days which made it much more bearable than it already was. I'm always out and about meeting new people and going places I never thought I'd be before and even though I'd usually avoid things like that, when it becomes your job, personal morals kinda get thrown out of the window, unless of course, it was something big.

Hoa and Flynn came by and bummed at my place which hasn't happened in ages. I think the last time I saw them (or any of the guys in fact) was on Christmas, there might've been other encounters but none of which I can remember. Once I had realized that it's been that long that I've heard word from any of them, it didn't sit well, it was like they're gonna crack at any moment but that could just be me. We went for Zaraffas and chilled til they had to go and that pretty much sums up my day.

I was told to have a day off tomorrow but I have no idea what the fuck to do. Guess I'll rob a bank or something.

Together (Rabit Killer Remix) - Fatso

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