Sunday 16 February 2014

Dust bowl children

"Yay! Food!"
- Andy Le, everyone really, and if they don't, well then they should.

Stayed up til 7am last night so I expected to be out til, well, 7pm but mumsies had other plans. Woke up at 10 to work, do some errands as well as get Andy food so that he doesn't forget that he is indeed a human and needs that sorta thing from time to time. I totally forgot where I was going with this.

Fed Andy and myself then passed out in his room for hours while he was playing games, I was told I answered the phone a bunch of times and said some weird ass things in my sleep but I can't remember it at all. I suppose today was one of those days where you're not all there, you feel weak, tired and are not capable of what you're normally capable of and knowing that just makes everything worse. I'm glad it was just a physical thing, if Oscar didn't link me ASOT 650, I probably would've given up for the entire fucking season. I forced myself to go to the gym but I didn't even stay longer than an hour, hour and a half at most and that's just pathetic, that is a 76 year old lady's pre-warmup cardio session but on the bright side, I'm 73kg, so I got that going for me.

Dust Bowl Children (Lush & Simon Remix) - Bingo Staar

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