Saturday 31 August 2013

Swim good.

"U lucky i shit."
- Kiet Nguyen, what ? don't believe me ? click here then, punk.

Isabel comes back from Sydney today, all that means is that Dante will be round less which isn't really a loss for me as it is a gain for him. Dante looked so happy when she was gone, I know it's a short term thing and I bet he was happy as the day is short when she came back but I guess he needed that. Was given the chance to talk to Isabel for a bit, we didn't say much, just asked how was her trip and what she's been up to, I don't really care but if I were to behave how I normally would, I have the feeling she would be offended and that would just cause all kinds of shit to smack the fan. Even after all the lack of communication she still intended to bring me back a gift, made me tear up, she didn't but it was the thought. I got to stop talking about Dante, sounds like I got a real bad brother complex. I think it's just that I have nothing else to talk about :L

Trying to get into modern jazz and listening to dat Frank Ocean again.

Friday 30 August 2013

Sweet nothing.

"You know what I just realized ?
my shoulders are fucking huge!"
- Dante Le, halfway through a set.

Wonder when I'm going to get the "okay" to go for my P's. This wait feels even longer than the one before it, I really hope it doesn't get sent back again, that would like, totally suck and stuff.

I received a text from Elita saying she hungry, well not word for word but it was along those lines, hold up, I'll see what she actually texted, I'm not even sure anymore.... Here it is "Oh hey Kevin pho this weekend?" I wasn't anywhere close :L I remember I owed her lunch from way back when and it was a pleasant surprise to have an opportunity like this sneak up on me. Of course, I don't expect this to actually happen but the thought alone was pretty satisfying, that is, until this weekend goes by and it doesn't happen but I guess I can only see how it'll play out.

Thursday 29 August 2013


"You know what I just realized ?
My chest is fucking huge!"
- Dante Le, half way through a set.

Kinda noticed I've been quoting Dante a lot but aside from Andy, I think he's the only one I'm around on a daily basis, even if it is only for 10-20 minutes a day, there's always something he says that either sticks or make me laugh :L

Today was probably my first serious chest day with Dante, left me absolutely destroyed but why else would you go to a gym ? I got some big plans for my body over the next few months, I just hope I will go through with it, let's see how far my will power will actually take me. We're usually all talk in order to set of piece of mind in place so when a guy is talking himself up, please don't take it the wrong way, I think it's just our little way of making us live to what we set ourselves up for but I can hardly blame you if you just think we're a bunch of cocky ass douchebags with nothing else to do, we're used to that speculation, well, I am, can't speak for others.

Some of the guys and myself had a little get-together for my mate Teddy who is leaving for America a few days and today was the only time a majority of us were free, it didn't feel like a going away party as it felt more like one of those things you throw on a whim and just luck it out to how it was going to end up. He looked like he enjoyed himself which would make anyone happy. Also, I got to meet a dude that was a billion feet tall that goes by the name "David" but let's be honest, he should be more known as "Goliath", also won 5 bucks of him, people should know better than to bet against me hehehehe.

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Summertime sadness.

"If you don't know; shut up."
- Dante Le, which was then followed by a list of people know don't know and don't shut up.

This "coffee in the morning" thing is starting to become a thing. I woke up to Kiet and Hoc outside my house waiting for me to get the fuck up and get our caffeine on. I swear the insurmountable will power required to get up in the morning is gradually fading  away since it's been something I look forward to, really wished I started this sooner. The rest of the morning was spent going to the wreckers and looking for parts for Hoc's beat up car, an experience that was enjoyable as it was tiring. Cars are complicated, I'm sure it won't take much to learn the anatomy of a car but like with most things, you just gotta find the right push :L grease and dirt, we all went back to my place where we'd exchange music libraries until Hoc had to go Uni. 

I don't recall much of the afternoon aside from Hoa and I napping together, (he was on the bed and I was on the equally comfortable couch in my room) I had opened the windows and curtains, I've never seen nor felt so much light and wind in my room, the fan was still on and with wind blowing from every direction, I felt like I was on a cloud. Shit was therapeutic as fuck. I guess it was from all that searching for car parts in the heat  for hours that made it feel so rewarding, it really is the little things, man.

Tuesday 27 August 2013


"You're cute."
- Dat pretty asian receptionist at Inala to me. BOOYAHKASHA!

I sat through a test to get my RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol or-something-or-rather) license a few weeks ago and was asked to come in to a JSP (Job Service Provider or-something-or-rather) to see my results, needless to say, I passed *whew* and was not only complimented by the receptionist, but also by the dude that asked me to come in. He told me I'm muscular and you can only imagine what words like that could do to a person like me, I honestly felt like I owned Inala. They told me I'll be coming back sometime this week to finalize some paper work and be given my license. I don't know why but I've always wanted to work in a bottle shop, something tells me that it's a chill job with sociable people which is something I can see myself in a work-related environment.

Even with knowledge of Hoc's accident, I ended up at Inala then to Skylark in Betty, I figured I'd visit Mumsies at work after my appointment and so I did, she was not impressed :L got yelled at then drove home. I'm lucky to have a worried mother but I guess that doesn't mean I should go around and do shit she worries about, aye ? 

Bumped into Lam and Teresa, I'm glad they're doing okay, this has nothing to do with the post, it's just something I think future me would like to be reminded of.

Monday 26 August 2013

Bicycle chains.

"... Dinosaurs."
- Andy Le, when asked for a quote.

When I'm at home, I tend to listen to slow music, well not slow but chill, songs I can easily fall asleep to since that feels like the nature of my layout, it just seems befitting to play something like that but today was the first time I played EDM at a volume that would make my couch bleed and I must say; it's not bad. I'd much rather listen to chill songs though, my room is no place to be starting a commotion, all dat doof doof will have to wait.

Hoc told me he was in a car accident this morning, a car crashed into his at a T-intersection, it was out of his control but it made me wonder, I should probably stop driving around so leisurely, I can't rationalize my motives when it's too late and it's impossible to expect an accident. Oh, and in case you're wondering, Hoc is fine, it'll take more than a car crash to stop that dude, in fact, Hoc told me about that accident at gym after he dead-lifted 180kg. Yeah, that nigga crazy.

Sunday 25 August 2013

I lay my head.

"Life is a like a bath, the longer you're in there, the wrinklier you get."
-  Dante Le, when asked for a quote. Truer words have never been spoken. DEEP

Today was nice. Woke up and picked up Jack and Hoc for morning coffee then I pretty much went with the flow from then on. I don't know how but after coffee we ended up at the markets then to Corinda driving range where we met up with Jack and Max Hogan then from there, I found myself at Hogan's house, that guy is as hospitable as ever :L I can sort of understand why though, he might not remember, but there was a time he got drunk at my house and I had to go elbow deep in his vomit to unclog the bathroom sink, never really looked at my bathroom the same way again after that :L but I like to think regardless if he remembers or not, he'd be the same :L 

I got home to an invitation from Hong to go to the markets with her and Lynn which would've been awesome had I not already had plans, shame that. I can see myself having a good time with that clique but shit, first come, first served I always say, I don't really say that, I think it though.

It was a tiring day now that I think about it, definitely chill, nothing quite like being in the company of your mates at a golf range where you show each other how bad you are at golf and spend the entire time laughing at each other. Peaceful as fuck.

Saturday 24 August 2013

Two wheels.

"power, power, power, power, power, power, power, power"
- Kevin Le, all day, everyday.

Kiet fancied some coffee this morning, his attempts to get other to join us went to shit so it was just me and him, not complaining, I could spend my day with pretty much anyone as long as they don't mind my bluntness :L I don't recall what we were talking about but we talked for quite awhile but time went by so slowly, guess it had to do with the feel of the place, they did well to make the cafe so cafe-ish but I guess that's to be expected hahaha. Kiet told me that having coffee was kinda "the calm before the storm" I later learnt that he spent the rest of the day studying, like, 14 hours of that shit, nigga crazy but I guess it happens more than I think for university students. Admirable, definitely. 

I've been a lot more social than I thought myself out to be. I guess it's not that I'm not social, it's just because I don't take the initiative when it comes to outings like Jack and Hoc. I ended spending money and chilling with people I usually don't see which is nice, don't know how they feel about it though :L guess I'll just wing it like I always have, these constant changes is starting to grow on me, even though in high school I pretty much forced myself not to change but I think that's a phase we all go through.

Friday 23 August 2013

Secrets of time.

"Life is good."
- Hoa Nguyen, when asked for quote.

If you've been wondering, the heading .gifs I've been putting on posts are from a short animated movie called "The Garden of Words" It's basically an anime with an extremely high budget and rich story, well I think so, that being said, I'm no movie critic. It's only 45 minutes, shouldn't take too much of your time :L 

I caught myself seeking acknowledgement recently. I'd brag about my achievements but I only do this to Dante :L Amazingly enough, he would responds with "nice, that's impressive, bro" or something else that's similarly positive and it boosts the fuck out of my ego. I think I see him in more of a father-figure than an actual brother, I don't recall much of my relationship with my dad so I don't know if I can even compare the two but family come in all kinds of shapes and sizes so I can't be that far off.

Oh yeah.

Really wished I took a "before" picture before I went through with the little change. I had a $10 IKEA table that I completely murdered to make that shoddy platform for my TV making enough space for my laptop screen to be of actual use instead of being cooped up in a corner. Wonder what I'll think up next ..

Thursday 22 August 2013

Click clack away.

"I always found these sort of gang mentalities as being something you would cling to when you are young. You don't know who you are, so you grab this ready made personality and wear it with others. But then you end up being molded by this personality you are wearing, instead of the other way around, and you become someone you didn't really understand to begin with and now you have no other reference point to figure yourself out with."
- Kiet Nguyen, when asked for a quote. das some deep shit.

My logbook was sent back, I assume it was because of all the signatures I forgot to put down, how careless, not only that, I left my phone at DFO on Sunday and that means that today was a very productive day. I went out for coffee with Jack and Leon in the morning then got home so that Lam could take me to DFO then the post office, I'm still amazed he did, I only asked him on a whim and I got this pleasant yet unexpected reply. I wonder how he can be such a good guy but at the same time, he can the biggest dick you know, with his little pranks and whatnot, strangely enough though, his pranks never affect me, I think he's gay and wants my dick, got to let him down gently on this one, don't want to destroy what we already have, you know? I got my phone and re-sent my logbook then went to mumsie's place to pick up some tools, I'd post a picture of what changed but I think I'll save that for tomorrow, need dat lighting.

Wednesday 21 August 2013


"You know what I just realized ?
My biceps are fucking huge!"
- Dante Le, half way through a set.

I've had this idea in my head for a while, an idea that requires me sawing my $10 coffee table and stacking them in such a way that would elevate my TV, thus making is possible to actually type on my laptop instead of letting it sit there, acting like a desktop. I can picture it so well in my head but there must be something I'm not taking into account, just need a saw and some pliers, I think I will post up an image when I'm done but I don't think I'll be able to get the tools til tomorrow, a little project like this might be just what I need to kill the day. I'm actually kinda looking forward to it hehehe.

Went out for lunch with Denne early afternoon, wanted to take him to the Kabab shop that opened up at Richland's plaza, don't know what he thought of it but it didn't look like I got a negative response. It was good to hang with the dude, he's been pretty inactive lately and I can understand why, it's just impossible to juggle two things and have a satisfactory result from both sides. He left to pick up his misses (I think, didn't really ask why.) and that was the end of that, probably won't be seeing him for a few years. Kabab's aren't bad, should give then a go when you're in the neighborhood, shit, hit me up, we'll make a day out of it, or not, I'm not Jesus.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

All that jazz.

"Not today, Kevin."
- Alex Dang when asked for a quote.

Andy like, walked into room and farted on my hand then left as if he didn't just walk into my room and fart on my hand, it's stank, too. Little bugger packs a punch, while contemplating what to do after that just happened, I came to the conclusion that he should suffer with me, so I picked him up, walked into my room and made him sniff up all his fart, it was beautifully messed up, poetic even. Must be tough being the younger brother, well, my younger brother :L

Tuesdays are officially sport days, now that we've adopted this tradition of sorts, there's something we can look forward to every week, judging by how today went, I would assume that we're not going to stop this anytime soon but hey, you'll never know, I wouldn't hold my breath to be honest.

This shit has been on replay for the last few days, can't believe I'm only listening to jazz now, makes me sad I didn't take the chance to pick it up in high school. This is definitely going to be a CD in Betty hehehe.

Monday 19 August 2013


Don't have a quote today, which is weird because usually there's a line I hear throughout the day that sticks to me. Spent most of my day with Dante and his friend Ellie, we ran errands, went to gym, went to Nando's among other things. I noticed that I don't really talk to Ellie and her little group, I think it's because I don't want to associate myself with a group Dante is accustomed to; like, I refrain from talking in fear that I'll get to know them and then in turn, know more about Dante. That might sound strange but I feel the less I know about a person, the closer I am to them. I talk to Dante maybe 10-15 minutes every 2 days and he's the first dude I go to when I need something that needs done that I know I can't do alone. I can talk to people for ages, it's just what we talk about that I take into consideration, I know too many people who like to say "we're so close" and I'm all like "bitch, I know nothing about you." because I know that their perception of close isn't exactly the same as mine but they insist that we're "besties" whatever the fuck that means. Maybe I'm thinking too much into this, maybe I'm scared for no real reason, maybe it's Maybelline.

Sunday 18 August 2013

Try 'n hold me back.

"I'll fucken' punch you."
- Leon Le to Jack Nguyen, wait, pretty much anyone to Jack Nguyen after spending more than 30 minutes with him.

Been going out for coffee more and more often these days, today was no exception only this time I was accompanied by Hoc, Leon, Jack and Trung Duong (TD for short) It was certainly more lively than what I was used to and that's always nice. We all saw Nataliee there as well, she even took my order which surprised me, I think at some point we tried to converse with her only to fail which is to be expected I guess, don't really know what happened there. Whenever I'm around Hoc, he usually comes up with these ridiculous ideas that no one would've otherwise thought up of, it's not strange that he does this but it is strange that we somehow always end up doing the things he suggests, almost out of no where he says "wanna go to the markets after this?" and like the sheep we all are, said "okay" then, while we're at the markets he asks "wanna go DFO now?" and so we did. I don't know why but I think there's a vibe of security around him, like a natural leader, even if he leads us to stupid shit, he seems so cool about it :L

I had this strange thought today, it wasn't so much of a thought than it was one of those moments where you're all like "if I did this, and then this happened, I would be in so much shit.... better not do that." Imagine this if you will: I just got home from DFO and got out of the shower, I had no shirt so I put on a jumper and in that jumper was a 5 cent coin I recall Leon giving to me while we were on or way to a toilet to chuck a piss, I don't know why but I put the coin in between my lips and laid on my bed facing my TV then I thought "dude, if I sneezed right now and the coin flew out of my mouth and into my TV, I would be in so much shit, better get off my bed and put this coin away." which was completely insane to me, that I even thought of something like that, the chances of that happening are so slim to begin with. I don't know, I thought that was something worth recording. People are fucked up, hopefully, it's just me.

Saturday 17 August 2013

Make it mine.

"Be great."
-Tai Pham when asked for a quote.

I've been sleeping at like 6-7pm and waking up at around 1-2am, I had intended to fix my sleeping pattern but this is just ridiculous. Waking up at such an hour is a strange experience, there literally shit all to do and because it's a weekend, I can't make too much noise just in case I wake up Andy but to be honest, I forget he's there and do what I'd do even if he wasn't here. I don't think to check online to see if anyone else is a wake because it's only normal to assume that there isn't anyone, so, with that in mind, I just sit there, with an old anime episode on replay, hoping the noise of idle chatter will bore me enough to make me sleepy again and for the first time, it didn't work. It felt like days, waiting for people to wake up just so I can listen to them talk about stuff, strange huh ? even stranger that when I did check online, there were people who were talking at like 12am so I actually didn't have to sit there and wait for what felt like days. They say truth is stranger than fiction and just for the night, I'm inclined to agree.

nigga, that shit is whack.

Friday 16 August 2013

Red planet.

"Now, if I were a pair of tweezers in Kevin's room, where would I be ?"
- Dante Le, looking for tweezers in my room. They weren't even in my room, 
they were in his, that rehab.

There were always more than one side to every story, wasn't there ? some people think there's two but I remember Dante telling me something in high school along the lines of  "There's always three sides to every story, shut up until you know all three." and I wasn't sure if he meant that you should just always shut up seeing as it'd be impossible to know the third story or that he was being literal, I still don't. Sometimes I can't tell if Dante is really stupid or absurdly clever, he's probably both seeing as he often calls me over to his room to see if he spelled a certain word correctly, I think he holds me in a higher regard than I deserve :L

I was told another side of a story of an event that happened years ago, understanding now is nice and all but it still doesn't change anything, makes me kinda wish I never knew. I also started to understand a little more of the people I'm around, things I could live easier without knowing but I guess things like that are inevitable. I don't view them any differently, because I know there's that side of a story that's yet to be brought to my attention but understanding this side makes me feel a little uneasy. Ahh, the risks of leaving the house to talk to people is a high one. Sleep deliciously, derelah

Thursday 15 August 2013


"Dude, everything ruins my day; wake up, day ruined."
- Alex Dang

Had a real off day today. Just felt like shit all day, wasn't even sick but I was noticeably weaker, hope this doesn't carry on tomorrow. 


Wednesday 14 August 2013

Amour toujours.

Woke up, thought "fuck it, clean my room", found a camera, had no means of finding out what's inside, drove to Acacia Ridge to computer shop and bought multi-card reader, cause like, I can. Nostalgia pulled out his dick and slapped me across the face with it, I didn't even mind, bro. Check out some of the shit I found !

I don't think I ever spoke to this chick again after that day. 

This gurlll, casually ignoring the camera.

listen to this dudes voice in the clip, man.

hahahah look at his stupid face. LOOK AT IT!

I'm glad I stumbled upon this, for a moment there, I was scared I might've forgotten a precious memory but thanks to this blog, I won't be the only one that can look back at this and go "goddamn, kids laugh at stupid shit."

I think we were on our way to Shorncliffe to fish, I also remember being pushed into the ocean by Hoc, then by Leon from the pier where I later learned that sharks are commonly found there, those were fun times. I'm glad I didn't die and shit. I think if we all went now, it wouldn't be the same, I think travelling there by public transport is a major part of the fun but I've yet to go fishing via car so I can't compare the two but I know there's a certain charm in walking to and from places, it gives off this aura of innocence and sincerity and it's definitely something I wouldn't mind giving a go at again. Growing up isn't all it's cracked out to be. It's been a good day.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Spring breeze.

"I feel really sick today."
- Leon Le when asked for a quote

Woke up at 6am which is an odd time to wake up for me. Since it's a public holiday today, Andy took this chance to sleep in my room and even though he said he'd sleep on the couch, I woke up to find him on the bed and me on the couch, I don't even know how that happened, so I drew a penis on his face, I took a photo but it's on his phone :L 

Dante was also home, he intended to sleep on the bed with Andy but I guess he forgot how loud he snores and so he went back into his room. Can't remember the last time he slept at home, it was weird as seeing him the next morning, I'm sure he felt the same hahaha brothers are something else, aye, such a unique relationship when compared to say, a father and son. I often wondered what it'd be like to have a little sister and I'm sure those with little sisters would wonder what it's like to have a little brother

Missed out on a few things today, I thought I'd be a little more depressed but it's just gotten to the point where I rather be focused on what I'm doing at that moment rather than wondering what it would be like had I gone to D-Block and S-te-Fan or sports with the guys but instead, I spent my night experiencing dinner from a vegan's perspective at my mate's house in Forest Lake, it's more bearable than you'd think to be honest. It felt good to talk to those guys again, I guess that's why I don't feel any remorse from missing out on what could've been the craziest hardstyle night on my life, but hey, what can you do ?

Monday 12 August 2013

Before dawn.

"I don't understand, I'm sorry. Why are you doing this to me ?"
- Alex Dang when asked for a quote

Spent the last 8 hours or so talking to Leon and Alex. These allnight sessions have become more and more frequent, I remember as soon as high school finished, it was nearly impossible to keep my eyes open after 11, I convinced myself that I was just getting old but 18 was no year to be thinking about that :L My sleeping pattern is a tad fucked up but because of this, I've been able to catch up (I say catch up but really, we don't talk about anything) with some of the guys, which is awesome and all when they're not talking about games.
I don't know if it's because I stay up late that I talk to them or if I talk to them that makes me stay up late anymore.

Alex had heard of a movie that was quite fucked up and being the idiot I am, suggested it might be a cool idea to watch it together in our respective homes and listen to each other's reaction, which sounds cool IF it were any other movie. When someone proposes you watch a movie called "Augest Underground Mordum" or anything that resembles that title, don't. That's just my advice to you and because of this movie, I will not be able to sleep deliciously but I hope you will.

Sunday 11 August 2013

All gone.

"What the fuck am I doing ?" 
- Kevin Le as he sat in the passenger seat when he was supposed to drive home. Goddamnit, Kevin.

I've got nothing aye. I've been thinking about Nataliee a lot these past few days, about how the next time I see her at work, I'd throw sugar packets at her and write disturbing, detailed messages via Zaraffa napkins and just stare at her until she cries, I don't dislike her or anything, that's just what I would do to anyone who's been purposely avoiding me, I don't know, something about making people uncomfortable makes me feel like it would help them step out of their comfort zone, only when I'm there, I've been doing this for as long as I remember :L I can't say it works though but hey, anything is worth giving a shot and who knows, I might strike lucky one day although I can't say it would be for the best for said person if he/she were to suddenly open up to everyone.

I haven't been to the Ekka in about 9 years, well, except that time I went with Tiffany in high school, don't think that counts since I was only there for security reasons which isn't really ideal when you want to have fun. All these kids and their showbags, masks and costumes are making me jealous but then I remember that it's like $28 per person and $8-$10 to go for a ride then I'm happy again.

You know, come to think of it, I was used quite a bit in high school. I'm sure we all know people who come to you only when they need something and use words like "trust" and "close" to convince you otherwise and the gayest thing about that, is that it fucking works and you're left, years later to realize how much of a tool you really are/were and you're also left wit the realization that you're not about to change anytime soon. I kinda like it :L

Saturday 10 August 2013

Speaking of dreams.

"Those who worry about their own strength never exceed it."

There's a lot of bitching these days, maybe it's been the same only this time, I noticed it. I think boys do it even more than girls, unnecessarily too. Whenever I have the chance to talk to someone, it's almost never about their day or what they're thinking or even what they're eating anymore, the conversation always ends up bagging about someone else, a lot of people do it as a joke but I don't think it's been like that at all recently. It makes me sad, too, knowing that this is slowly taking over. I'm not sure if it's jealousy or confusion anymore but we really gotta stop this and like, have a picnic or something.

Speaking of bitching, dude, I saw Nataliee at the register again this morning at 6am and she saw me coming and I saw she saw me coming and the first thing she did was turn to her co-worker, exchanged some words and not even a second later, they switched places. I'm not even weirded out by it anymore, I genuinely wonder what happened to her, it's sad to think she would avoid everyone like this. Oh well, I'm sure she has her reasons though I can't begin to imagine what they are.

Sleep deliciously.

Friday 9 August 2013


Yo, wanna see what I had for breakfast ?

Not bad, aye ?
check out what I had for lunch.

but wait, there's more !
dinner was a little somthin' special.

Such is life when you live by yourself most of the time. I'm not complaining or anything, I genuinely don't think it's all that bad. To be honest, I make really mean mi goreng, it brings all the boys to the yard and damn right, it's better than your's, I could teach you but I can't be fucked. 

Thursday 8 August 2013

Save the world tonight.

"What the fuck are you guys doing ?"
- Dante Le

Lam and I had this idea to clean our cars for about a week and I never thought it would happen because that's how low my expectations are when it comes to predetermined events but there was that little bit of me that actually wanted it to happen since Betty was pretty dirty.

I stayed up til 12pm and had a 2 hour nap, woken up by Jack and Leon. We kinda just bummed around in my room and kicked back while waiting for Lam to do whatever it was he was doing. Cleaning cars is a lot less work than I thought it was, we got through 3 cars in about an hour and a half to 2 hours, albeit, it might of not been a good job but good enough to look gorgeous in a photo :L I heard the boys went out to watch a movie shortly after they left my "carwash" and me being the introvert I am, didn't join them due to my irrational dislike of the theaters, or just outside and people in general so I stayed home, helping Dante get ready for his dinner plans (lent him my bowtie and belt from Hong's (Y)) and I must say, he looks dashing, fucking nothing like me at all, I honestly think we're not blood related regardless of what people say.

There was nothing going on the meta side of my day as far as I'm concerned, maybe there was, I just don't remember it at the moment. Huh, shame that.

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Kings & queens.

"What are you doing here ?" 
-Nataliee Nguyen

Holy shit, do I have a story for you.
So there's this girl I knew practically my whole life by the name of "Nataliee Nguyen". We rarely spoke and when we did it was for like, 10 minutes max, which is fine, I respect everyone's decisions, anyway, our relationship was more or less the same from primary all the way to high school graduation which was like, 3 years ago. For a long time, no one has heard height nor hair of this chick until today. That's right, she is in fact, still alive.

A mate wanted to go have coffee at the Zarraffa's Coffee cafe that opened up at Richlands at like, 6am and I was all like "okay" so I picked him up at 6am and away we went, we ordered our respective coffees and waited at the front counter for them and there she was, in a room on the far left, we exchanged looks and waves which is understandable since she's in the company of her co-workers and maybe a boss, I don't know, he looked like a douche so I assume he was her boss anyway. We thought nothing of it and just took our coffees (I had a caramel slice as well hehehe) and sat outside where we could see the sunrise. It was an awesome morning. About 30 minutes after we ordered our coffees, Nataliee went outside to clean the tables, I figured we shouldn't talk since she's working but she's here, outside, in front of us and I shit you not, the very first thing I hear from her lips in 3-4 years were "What are you doing here ?" *with an emphasis on the first syllable in the word "doing"* and my initial reaction and response was "we're drinking coffee..." and then she left. It wasn't until she left that I just realized what the fuck just happened.

I had not seen her in 3 years, but at the same time, I've known her my entire life. You'd think there'd be more of a conversation but this shit wasn't an anime or a movie of any sort. I want you to think about that situation. She's a worker, I'm a customer, we're at a fucking cafe for fuck's sake and she asks "What are you doing here ?". If you're able to comprehend that, then props to you, you must be a god of some sort but godddamnnnnnnnnn what the fuckkkk justtt happennneededded ??? W??!?"SMFKNAHg;l. I literally spent the next hour just sitting there and kept replaying the event in my head again and again with each reaction more violent than the one before it. I still can't get over it. I've never smacked my palm against my face that hard before. Just, wow. I'm certain that this ruined my a good chunk of what would've been an awesome morning, just wow, Nataliee, you're amazing.

Sleep deliciously, guys, cause I know I won't.

Tuesday 6 August 2013


"Why do songs that have to do with nothing but sex sound so good ?"
- Kevin Le

Opened my eyes with my phone to my face, had an alarm for today, it's a certain someone's special day and this phone is pretty old so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I punched in the date, must've been a pretty good reason why it's so secretive but I know where that person's coming from so I suppose I'll feign ignorance and be about my business. Looking back now, I'm glad I went through that little phase and I'm also glad that it didn't go any further than it could've and I guess I have Dante to thank for that. High school life is really something else, I don't think there's anything else in the world that can make you that vulnerable to certain emotions but knowing you left whilst staying intact after all that bullshit is really something to be proud of. goddamn I'm good and you are, too. We're so awesome.

Leon now lives down the road from my house and because of this, I am able to participate in events a little more often, regardless if I want to go or not :L Looks like the guys are trying to play sports at Springfield every Tuesday, seems like a fun little challenge they set for themselves but I don't know how long they'll stick to their word, this wasn't the first time they said something similar, that being said, it was apparent today that we're all improving and become a lot more fitter than when we first started, which is a given but it's a lot more difficult than it sounds. We all left with smiles and woke up with them and that's how it should stay, for like, ever.

Sleep deliciously, mate.

Monday 5 August 2013

Walking on a dream.

I love EDM and I also love instrumentals, it was literally only a matter of time til some musically inclined musician who has a similar taste of music as I would end up creating something so heart-throbbing and yet, something so soothing. Music is a wonderful thing, to any extent.

I don't recall doing much today, I remember bumping into Hieu at Richlands and we were just sitting in Betty with music playing and talking about nothing. There's something about doing nothing that I really, really enjoy. It's almost time-consuming, doing nothing and it's even better when you do it with someone else, just so as long as they're focusing on doing nothing with you, I think that's why brother's get along so well :L

These days won't last much longer.

Sunday 4 August 2013


- Kevin Le

Jack called me up saying he wanted Subway and what a strange coincidence that I, also wanted something delicious in my mouth and so off we went. I'm still amazed how convenient cars are, man. I literally have the freedom to go to WHERE EVER I please, I could very well wake up one day and go "you know, I want to make a 10ft snowman, with a sick 'stache" and just hop in the car and drive to the direction that feels the coldest, and the coolest thing about it is that there will be someone I know who would be all like "yeah, fuck it, let's make snowmen." and that is pretty cool.

Today, I was asked "why do you gym?" and I thought about it long and hard (hehe) and in all honesty, the reason why I even bother with the gym and do what Dante tells me to do is pretty simple and yet, really, really stupid but here goes. The reason I go to the gym, is because of the slight possibility of a zombie apocalypse, and yes, I'm dead serious.  You might all think I'm crazy now and I don't blame you but if you find yourself unable to outrun a zombie then don't say I didn't tell you so cause I totally told you so. These movies and animes have gotten me too skeptical of shit that might not even happen :L 

There're so much more I can write about but it feels like it's on the tip of my brain's theoretical tongue and it's slowly slipping away and I don't like that, I might really have to bring around a notepad or something. 

Saturday 3 August 2013


A few weeks ago, I kinda lashed out at one of Andy's friends which in turn, caused him to not only lose said friend but another one on top of that, in hindsight, not a smart move, Kevin but at the time, it felt like it I had to point out that Andy's friends are assholes and he somewhat agreed but I can't take his word since it might be him being the younger brother. This morning, I woke up to him playing with another friend in the living room, Anthony Dang (Alex Dang's little brother) and I felt somewhat relieved, I don't think it's because he's found someone he can leave his little shell for but rather his outward portrayal of ignorance, it was almost as if he never knew them from the start, which might be true, too.

There're days where I just post shit and specks about my day and there are days when I post things like this, there're always things that trouble me, it's just my choice if I want to acknowledge them, just like everyone else only I seem to be a little more lax about they whole "stress" thing. I just made Andy lose 2 links he might not ever get back and whether they were for the best or not, I'll never know now. 

Sleep deliciously my little lemon drops.

Friday 2 August 2013


"What's wrong with writing another love song,
when all you got are love songs when the love's gone?"

Sat through 3 hours with this asian dude in a temple with the biggest pedostache I've ever seen doing my tax, I was too preoccupied with his facial features that I completely wasn't following what he was doing nor what he was saying (I was never good with Vietnamese), signed where he told me to sign, nodded when he asked me questions which in hindsight, I don't think was a good idea but at the time, I just didn't want him to rape me. 

Now I'm just watching Alex's stream, watching him do Alex things, I've always wondered what he does in his spare time, he rarely comes out and when he does, it looks like he's recovering from a coma since he's so pale. Now that I think about it, I only see him at night... I think we've all learnt something tonight, Alex is a vampire, either that or a really flamboyant introvert.

Paradise - Coldplay

Paradise (Swahili Cover) - The Piano Guys & Alex Boye

Thursday 1 August 2013

Can you let me know.

"Jesus christ, it's August..."
-Kevin Le

Slept at 6 this morning, gave Lam a call, we were both mumbling and now I can't recall what we were even talking about, then one of us muttered "9 o'clock" then we both hung up and went back to sleep, I then recall I had made plans to go out got coffee with Lam and Leon at 9am and away we went. I always order an irish cream latte, I never really gave other coffees a chance after my auntie introduced me to it, you should give it a go if given the chance, recommend/10.

I spent my morning and a part of my afternoon with Lam, I can't even remember the last time we did something like that, I remember we'd often go for nightly walks around the neighborhood on a nightly basis, sometimes we'd even go to McDonald's just because we could, oh, and because we were hungry, that shit was awesome. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if we started to do it again but knowing there are better alternatives must be stopping us, shit was so much simpler back then, granted, I'm not even that old so talking like that is a little condescending. I'll stop now. Sleep deliciously.